Wednesday 23 December 2009

God's Gift To Me

The commonly-quoted phrase, "Jesus is the Reason for the Season", is helpful in directing focus to the real purpose of why we celebrate Christmas. But what is it about Christmas that makes it especially meaningful to you?

For me, it is about expressing my heartfelt praise to God for the spiritual blessings that are mine as I celebrate my faith in Jesus Christ - my Saviour, Redeemer and King - who came to save me and illuminate the love of God into my life experience. It's a seasonal time to reflect on the impact of the Incarnation - not only for humanity - but for me as an individual. In a very real sense, God gifting Himself to me.

On arriving home this evening I found a Christmas card in my letterbox that was particularly encouraging.

What We Find In Jesus (by Roy Lessin).

We find peace, and the PRINCE OF PEACE
We find righteousness, and the RIGHTEOUS ONE
We find counsel, and the COUNSELLOR
We find wonders, and the WONDERFUL ONE
We find salvation, and the SAVIOUR
We find the Kingdom, and the KING.

In Jesus, we find more gifts than our hearts can ever imagine.


Thursday 10 December 2009

Gowans on Christmas

Retired General John Gowans has a unique literary skill that always captures my attention. Here's one such gem that powerfully transforms profound theological truth into basic human understanding. May the words impact you as deeply as they do me!

There's nothing new about unwanted gifts. The first Christmas gift had a mixed reception, though it was blindingly beautiful. Wrapped in swaddling clothes, and lying in a manger, God had made a gift of himself to a world which badly needed him, but didn't know it.

In the first chapter of John's Gospel we find a stunning statement. Speaking of the Son of God it says: "He came unto his own ... ." He came to the human creatures that he had made and joined them. He came to the vulnerability, which is part of being human; the limitations, the hurts, the disappointments, the suffering and the distress. Christ was God incarnate, totally sharing the human experience, including the messy business of coming into the world and getting out of it. God identified himself with humanity. He made the gift of himself.

But the most wonderful phrase is followed by the most sad. "He came unto his own -- and his own received him not!" They showed him the door! God was not welcome. He was an unwanted gift.

Christmas is part of the world's history, but it is also a contemporary event. God is forever coming into the world, your world and mine. He is always offering the gift of himself as a counselor, a protector, a companion, a comforter, a healer, a Saviour.

Monday 30 November 2009

"Connecting Forward" Commissioning Weekend

Salvos united in faith worship and and mission purpose is a most powerful and inspiring force!

Such was this past weekend as we met together with international special guests, Chief of the Staff Commissioner Robin Dunster - a fellow Australian officer and the Army's first woman officer to hold this 2IC international office - accompanied by Lieut-Colonel Edna Williams (Support Officer).

On Friday morning, Officers Councils provided an opportunity for spiritual reflection and renewal as we considered that our calling to full-time ministry demands a "Whatever It Costs" personal response. In the afternoon, we were reminded that God the Holy Spirit continues to work in our lives and the lives of others as the Army expands it global ministry in response to the Great Commission. The annual Overseas Missionary Offering collected in excess of $5,000.

A Valedictory Service, featuring the cadets of the Prayer Warriors session, was a great cause for rejoicing as they each received their International Certificates of Officership in preparation for their Commissioning & Ordination. The Graduation Address delivered by the Chief of the Staff was a vital challenge to 'Be Diligent' for God and The Salvation Army.

On Saturday afternoon, Victorian Salvationists took part in a Rally through the CBD to Federation Square for the "Salvos Out There" exhibition and worship event. Stirring music and inspiring stories were the basic means of sharing with the Melbourne community the five mission values of The Salvation Army: Justice, Community, Human Dignity, Compassion and Hope. Praise God, 14 people were saved as a result of this PR initiative!

In the evening, we had opportunity to publicly celebrate the life and ministry of General Eva Burrows with a musical & dramatic tribute event in honour of her 80th birthday. A highlight of the night was the presentation of "The Three Bonnets" by Carol Jaudes and Karen Krinjak (both from USA) - a three act, one woman play focussing on three well-known Army leaders: Catherine Booth, Evangline Booth and Eva Burrows.
The cadets' Commissioning & Ordination Service took place on Sunday morning in what was a most sacred and spiritually affirming occasion. The Chief of the Staff reminded all present that we experience 'The Full Extent of God's Love' as we trust Him implicitly and obediently. A full response was made as people came forward seeking holiness, salvation, and responding to the Holy Spirit's leading to full-time ministry. Hallelujah!

Personal spiritual reflection then continued on into a time of corporate praise as we met for the Appointment Service of the new Lieutenants, who were challenged again by the Chief of the Staff to go out with the assurance, and in the confidence, of God's Power and Authority. Following this, many responded again to the Call to Service as Commissioner James Knaggs shared the territory's vision for 210 mission centres in Australia Southern by 2010 - an increase of 36 mission centres in the new year.

How we praise God for a full weekend spent enjoying the fullness of His rich blessings!

Monday 9 November 2009

Remembrance Day Focus

Gathering together in worship with members of the RSL Red Shield sub branch yesterday morning was both a privilege and an inspiration. Our worship experience focussed on the theme 'Sacrifice - the greatest gift', and caused us to give glory to God for all He has done for us through Jesus. On the other hand, sacrificing ourselves to God's will and purpose is also the greatest gift that we can offer Him.

The choir contributed a most fitting vocal reflection entitled 'Above All with My Saviour's love' - "...Like a rose trampled on the ground, He took the fall and thought of me, above all."

In keeping with the dignity and solemn reflection of this worship occasion, I came across the following words penned by Doreen Lankshear-Smith which we used as a final congregational song.


O God of endless ages,whose will is still that we
Should live in peace and freedom, with love of liberty
In prayer we now remember the death and dignity
Of those who sought to rescueThis precious legacy

They gave themselves for others whose names they did not know
For God and for their country they vowed to overthrow
The infamous oppressor, their lives prepared to give
With selflessness and courage they died that we might live

The wars that now we're waging on crime and poverty
Disease and much injustice absorb our energy
Yet often with indiff'rence we, in these latter days
Forget the poppy's symbol their sacrifice portrays
With each new generation the memory further fades
Deep into history's pages, with tales of bygone days
So may our children's children, as rich inheritors
With us, o God, remember why freedom still endures

© 1982 Doreen M. Lankshear-Smith

(Tune: Aurelia)

The benediction, too, was both exhortative and encouraging.

Let us leave this place in remembrance, rejoicing that...
From the rising of the sun until its setting
From the bleakness of war to the lavish warmth of peace
From the peace of eternity to the pain of the present moment
Go in the knowledge that God holds you in the palm of His hand.

Wednesday 4 November 2009

Salvo Online Worship Community

Last night I shared in the inaugural 'isalvos' online worship experience. This concept of an 'online corps meeting' is a result of the internet ministry of Envoy Grant & Bev Whitehead and is streamed out live from The Salvation Army's Eastern Victoria Divisional Headquarters on Tuesdays at 9pm, AEST.

It's a most interesting spiritual venture, and one that I pray will continue to bear much fruit for the Kingdom of God as they seek to encourage others to explore faith through the medium of 'cyber church'.

Check out their website -

Better still, log onto the website next Tuesday @ 9pm, and share in the 'live stream' worship experience. And as you do, pray expectantly for transformational spiritual encounters!

2 THESSALONIANS 2:16-17 (NIV) ~ "May our Lord Jesus Christ himself and God our Father, who loved us and by his grace gave us eternal encouragement and good hope, encourage your hearts and strengthen you in every good deed and word."

Tuesday 3 November 2009

A Timely Reflection

I came across this reflection amongst my many resources recently while spring cleaning. Taking the time to stop and read these words brought me a real sense of personal encouragement and timely inspiration. Just what I needed at this challenging period of my ministry experience!

  • Giving when you feel like keeping
  • Praying for others when you need to be prayer for
  • Feeding others when your own soul is hungry
  • Living truth before people even when you can't see results
  • Hurting with other people when your own hurt can't be spoken
  • Keeping your word even when it is not convenient
  • Being faithful when your flesh wants to run away.

(James A Holt)

Thursday 8 October 2009

New Appointments Announced

As of 13 January 2010, we will take up the following appointments within the Eastern Victoria Division.

Dabak - Hospital Chaplain
Tim - Chaplain, Doveton Community Support Services Centre

A new, exciting challenge for us!

Wednesday 19 August 2009

New Arrival

On Wednesday 19 August 2009, in addition to celebrating my brother's birthday, we rejoiced in the arrival of JAIMEE, our only niece - who now shares her birthday with her Dad!

We don't know what Jaimee will grow up to become, but we do know that she is loved by God - and her family! Our sincere prayer is that Jaimee will come to experience the love of God in her life, and know the blessings of living in the certainty of God's grace.

May the words of Psalm 139:13-16 (MSG) be forever Jaimee's testimony.

"Oh yes, you shaped me first inside, then out; you formed me in my mother's womb. I thank you, High God—you're breathtaking! Body and soul, I am marvelously made! I worship in adoration—what a creation! You know me inside and out, you know every bone in my body; You know exactly how I was made, bit by bit, how I was sculpted from nothing into something. Like an open book, you watched me grow from conception to birth; all the stages of my life were spread out before you, the days of my life all prepared before I'd even lived one day."

Tuesday 21 July 2009

Image, Influence & Intelligence?

Today has been variety-packed.

This morning, Dabak and I, were privileged to meet with Captain Karen Castley and members of the Mooroolbark Home League and spend time together reflecting on the "Power of Images". It was a very interactive occasion that widened our perspectives on life in general and the love of God in particular. Using visual illustrations, vocal solos and verbal discussions, we rediscovered the joy of sharing in like-minded fellowship as we continue to acknowledge the greatness and graciousness of our Creator God.

This afternoon, we conducted a memorial service at Inala Chapel for one of our dear residents who was called to her Eternal Reward last month. It was indeed another privileged opportunity to minister to the family members and friends who gathered to celebrate the influence of this dear, faithful lady upon their lives, giving thanks to God for His every blessing!

Then, this evening, the Rotary Club of Box Hill hosted guest speakers from the Victoria Police, who gave us a most informative, yet disturbing, presentation about their work in the field of "Clandestine Laboratories" (illict drug manufacturing). Their presentation certainly opened our eyes to 'another world', and highlighted the great concerns that need to be addressed if we are to combat this within our society. For me, the most shocking discovery was not so much the statistics behind the problem, but more the awareness of the structures that are put in place by criminals to ensure that their manufacturing system succeeds.

The growing question for me centred around the understanding of the specific knowledge that is needed and the awareness that 'illicit manufacturing' rests mainly with the 'higly-educated and intelligent', who are obviously blinded by their own greed!

Lord, I want my life to always speak profoundly and positively of Your influence and impact of grace upon my life. In Your creativeness, You gave me an intellect so that I might 'think and act wisely'. Help me, by Your Spirit, to represent you well in all I do. AMEN

Monday 20 July 2009


I'm currently in the process of searching for information on how to obtain a copy of the devotional publication, Every Day with Jesus, in braille format. And let me is proving a real challenge! In this day and age of increasing technology and resources, I had envisioned that the request would be an easy one to cater to. But it seems that the more 'high tech' we get, the less inclusive we are becoming.

All this to say that, while in the course of the search process, I've been challenged personally about just how 'inclusive' I am of the needs of others to whom I minister. Do I communicate the message of God's love in ways that meet the needs of others? Are the mediums of worship I use effective in making everyone in my congregation feel included as a worshipper?

Hmmm...just some food for thought. Now I'm going to go and ruminate!

Monday 22 June 2009

Melbourne - In All Its Glory!

Though I'm a born and bred Victorian, I've never really spent very much time in the City! However, I recently braved the traffic (and budget!) conditions and took my darling wife into the heart of the CBD for a weekend at the Crown Promenade Hotel.

They say, "a picture speaks a thousand words" here's my pictorial essay!

Sunday 7 June 2009

Visit to Launceston

When God is glorified, praise abounds!

Well, this was certainly the case over the course of this weekend, as the Melbourne Staff Songsters visited Launceston Corps (Captains Christine & Ric Ellis).

A large part of Saturday was given to conducting a Vocal Workshop, followed by a feast of musical praise in a concert supported by vocal, instrumental and timbrel groups comprising Salvo sections and a local community ensemble from Launceston Church Grammar School - The Fellas.

Sunday's day of worship included a most reflective and challenging holiness meeting based on the importance of communicating with God in all aspects of our lives, as well as a lively Pleasant Sunday afternoon concert, featuring the famed "Massed Singers".

Opportunities for fellowship were many and varied, in particular a hearty homecooked meal at the home of Majors Tyson.

As people 'blessed of God' we are always privileged to have so much to give thanks for!

Sunday 31 May 2009

Pentecost: A Spirit For All Time

Today marks the Christian celebration of the Day of Pentecost – the release of God’s Spirit Presence to mankind and His gift of Empowerment given to all Christian believers - for all time.

In contemplating verses from Isaiah 61 and Acts 2, we considered these Exciting thoughts about the ministry of the Holy Spirit.
  • ENLIGHTENMENT ~ Every Spirit-filled child of God is a messenger of Good News.
  • ENCOURAGEMENT ~ Every Spirit-filled child of God is a channel of peace and restoration.
  • ESCAPE ~ Every Spirit-filled child of God points people to the Deliverer, who sets captives free.
  • EXCHANGE ~ Every Spirit-filled child of God exchanges hopelessness for hope and is covered with a 'garment of praise'.
  • ESTABLISHMENT ~ Every Spirit-filled child of God knows what it is to be established in God's provision.
  • EXALTATION ~ Every Spirit-filled child of God has a genuine hope and confidence of sharing a 'double portion' because of our spiritual inheritance in Christ.
  • EXAMPLE ~ Every Spirit-filled child of God can bring praise and glory to God through the example of their Faith-filled, Hope-focussed and Love-inspired living.
  • EQUIPPED ~ Every Spirit-filled child of God is well equipped with grace to live victoriously.
  • ENABLED ~ Every Spirit-filled child of God is enabled by the Spirit for betterment.
  • ENERGIZED ~ Every Spirit-filled child of God is energized for eternity.
This Celebration Day in the corporate life of the Church and the personal life of every believer reminds us that we are indeed “Blessed to be a blessing”!

Jesus is glorified and gives the Comforter
His Spirit, to reside in all His servants here
The Holy Ghost to man is given:
Rejoice in God sent down from Heaven

To make an end of sin and Satan's work destroy
He brings His Kingdom in peace, righteousness and joy
The Holy Ghost to man is given:
Rejoice in God sent down from Heaven

The cleansing blood to apply, the heavenly life display
And wholly sanctify and seal us to that day
The Holy Ghost to man is given:
Rejoice in God sent down from Heaven
SASB 195 (verses 1-3) ~ Charles Wesley

Thursday 28 May 2009

Sharing The Journey

One of the rewards and challenges of chaplaincy ministry is the opportunity of journeying with those we contact and connect with. Sometimes the personal interaction is brief yet purposed and, at other times, it is a more lengthy and complex process. However, above all, I am convinced that 'sharing the journey' is always a personal privilege and God-directed blessing.

Each persons life journey is unique. There is no set formula or guideline when it comes to dealing with life's multifarious circumstances and experiences. Life certainly has its joys and sorrows, regardless of our backgrounds. The Message sums up Romans 12:15 well and offers some very wise instruction - 'Laugh with your happy friends when they're happy; share tears when they're down.'

With this in mind, in recent days I've come to appreciate afresh the value of Christian faith and the importance of sharing in spiritual fellowship with others. It is in making deep personal connections with others that I begin to sense the 'fullness of God' like never before.

Romans 12:15 (NLT) ~ "Be happy with those who are happy, and weep with those who weep."

Sunday 24 May 2009

Pentecost: A Spirit For All Seasons

As we continued our Pentecost series today, I was personally reminded that God's Holy Spirit is present in our lives to effect God's grace in our individual needs and challenge us each to go deeper in our spiritual relationship with God through all experiences of life.

The opening statement captured my attention: "We focus a lot of attention on God and Jesus, and rightfully so, but sometimes I wonder if we short change the 3rd Person of the Trinity - the Holy Spirit - at work within us and through us."

In focussing on the various roles of the Spirit, we explored the following imageries.

"A Spirit For All Seasons"
1. The Spirit as WIND ~ a powerful, life-changing force (Jn 3:8)
2. The Spirit as BREATH ~ a life-infusing force (Ez 37)
3. The Spirit as DOVE ~ a life-affirming force
4. The Spirit as FIRE ~ a life-renewing force (Mt 3:11)
5. The Spirit as WATER ~ a life-refreshing force (Is 44:3, Jn 7)

Spirit of the living God, fall afresh on me
Break me, melt me, mould me, fill me

Sunday 17 May 2009

Pentecost: A Timely, Seasonal Spirit

In preparation for celebrating Pentecost as a faith community, we have commenced a Bible Message series entitled, "A Spirit for all time and all seasons".

A study of the Old Testament reveals that the Spirit of God is usually contained to encounters with a specific time frame or set purpose. Having acted in creation (Gen 1:2) the Spirit is continually mentioned in the carrying forward of God’s successful purposes. His ‘timely and seasonal’ Presence proved that success is assured through obedience to the Spirit, and that failure is inevitable when the Spirit departs.

Throughout the OT, we come to understand that the Spirit is always invisible but known by His effectiveness. We are never told of people experiencing particular feelings. His presence is made known by success, through the proclamation of God’s true message.

Interestingly, sometimes the Spirit came on people temporarily and sometimes more permanently. People did not seek the Spirit, but rather He came upon them at God’s will.

The Spirit was, is and always will be, the invisible, powerful presence of God carrying forward His purposes in history.

"A Timely, Seasonal Spirit"
1. The Spirit was ever-present before time began (Gen 1:2, Ps 33:6)
2. The Spirit strives with mankind (Gen 6:3)
3. The Spirit empowers God's servants for service (Num 27:18)
4. The Spirit inspires deliverance (1 Sam 16)
5. The Spirit encourages future hope (Isa 11:1-2, Micah 3)

Doctrine #3 - We believe that there are three persons in the Godhead - the Father, the Son and the Holy Ghost, undivided in essence and co-equal in power and glory.

Wednesday 13 May 2009

Mother's Day?

This year, as in previous years, I've been caused to reflect on the relevance of the celebration of Mother's Day. Once again I'm reminded that, while I celebrate this annual occasion with a deep sense of personal joy, delight and gratitude in honour of my own mother, there is an ever-increasing number of people who are negativcly affected in signifcant ways by this day for a variety of personal reasons.

My personal reflections are impacted greatly by my role as both a chaplain and minister of religion in a number of cultural and spiritual settings over the past 14 years and have led me to the point of really questioning the relevance of celebrating Mother's Day within our faith communities and places of worship. More and more I am convinced that the Church needs to move away from a corporate and public worship celebration focus of this day, which encompasses a pletora of human emotion stemming from a kaleidoscope of life experiences.

If the Church is to truly be a place where love, acceptance, belonging and unity are fostered, then it would do well to respond compassionately by ceasing to focus on celebrating an occasion that creates much deep isolation and personal pain in the lives of those to whom it seeks to reach out effectively.

Friday 8 May 2009

World Mission Fellowship (WMF)

Having served appointments in overseas service, held the office of WMF Secretary, and currently have the privilege of being a financial member of The Salvation Army Australia Southern Territory's World Mission Fellowship (WMF), I can personally vouch for the fact that this fellowship group is both vital and effective in supporting our personnel on overseas service ~ through the means of much needed intercessory prayer and financial funding.

Want to find out more about the WMF, and discover how you, too, can get on board with your support?
Check out their newly-developed website ~

Help keep the Lord's "Great Commission" World Mission alive in the frontlines of Salvation Army international service!

Matthew 28:19-20 (NLT) ~ "Therefore, go and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Teach these new disciples to obey all the commands I have given you. And be sure of this: I am with you always, even to the end of the age."

Monday 4 May 2009

Holy Spirit...Move In Me

I'm still thinking and reflecting on yesterday's morning worship service - the visit of the Melbourne Staff Songsters to Melbourne's 614 Corps in the heart of the city.

I must confess to harbouring my own personal reservations about so many aspects of the scheduled worship and fellowship time, yet recall coming away feeling fully blessed, inspired and challenged because of the Holy Spirit's interaction that took place - both corporately, individually and, most notably, personally.

Majors Brendan and Sandra Nottle are genuine servants of God who pursue godly vision in constantly expressing the love of God in action without barriers. The phenomenal assurance of God's grace at work in people's lives was very evident, and a visible evidence of the Spirit's 'invisible' personal interaction.

Tonight during rehearsal our executive officer, Major Judith Soeters, shared some of the known spiritual victories that were celebrated in God's presence yesterday, and I, I know... that many more spiritual fruits are 'in progress' even now.

The MSS sang Nathan Rowe's composition, Holy Spirit, Move in Me - and I echo that prayer once again deep within me.

Sunday 3 May 2009

God's Heart...Our Dream

This evening I attended our Eastern Victoria divisional welcome and installation meeting to incoming Divisional Commander, Lieut-Colonel Jocelyn Knapp, and Major Cilla Bone, who takes up an additional appointment as Divisional Women's Ministries Secretary.

The new divisional leadership duo encouraged us to seek God's heart as we work together to become an 'Isaiah 58 Division' focussed on:
  • loosing the 'chains of injustice'
  • setting the 'oppressed free'
  • being compassionate and responsive to the needs of our communities
  • trusting God whole-heartedly to release the power of His healing, redemption and restoration in the lives of those we serve and minister to.

What a vision! ...and, together with God, what a sure reality!

Our incoming leaders shared their thoughts of GOD'S HEART, OUR DREAM...

For Our Mission Centres: Corps, Social Centres, Divisional Headquarters...

God desires...

  • that there be plenty of prayer - less bickering and put downs
  • that reputations are to be left intact - and harmful gossip has no place
  • that fairness and justice be the standard - less inequality or positional exploitation
  • that the focus is on the needs of the marginalized - less concern about preserving status/position

God wants...

  • human dignity, justice, hope, compassion and community to be values which guide all decisions
  • that money, personal ambition, personal preferences or personal satisfaction take a lesser place
  • all personnel - volunteers, employees, officers, male or female - know that they are made in God's image and equally respected by all in leadership, and all given opportunities for self-development

God asks...

  • that the atmosphere will be open and welcoming
  • attitudes will be accepting and non-judgmental
  • that all age-groups, from children to retirees, will be listened to, appreciated and encouraged to serve
  • that opinions will be valued, without others taking a defensive position
  • that language will be inclusive, in both the spoken and the written word

Psalm 37:4 (NIV) ~ "Take delight in the Lord, and He will give you your heart’s desires."

Saturday 2 May 2009

A Believer's Prayer

I always thank God for giving me a most beautiful wife who is a constant inspiration to me. I am wonderfully blessed to have such a loving life and ministry partner.

Four years ago, at a time of great personal pain, Dabak composed the words and music to a song she entitled, A Believer's Prayer. Major Howard Davies kindly assisted by writing onto manuscript the vocal parts and piano accompaniment she played. The result was a composition that has blessed me personally on numerous occasions, as well as many others who have heard it since.

Here are the words for your own reflection.

Create in me a heart that’s pure and true
That through my life Your will I’ll gladly do
Equip me Lord, with wisdom from above
That I may know Your peace and love
Through calm or storm Your presence I would know
Through joy or pain Your comfort me bestow
Transformed into Your likeness, Lord, I pray
That I may serve You well today

I believe in Christ we can be strong!
I believe that to Christ we belong!
I believe we live in one accord
And from my heart I thank You Lord!

Your plans for me I may not understand
But this I know, my future’s in Your hand
Help me to always look into Your face
That I may know Your daily grace
Give me that grace to do my Master’s will
Give me Your strength to conquer ev’ry hill
Give me Your pow’r to live victoriously
Your faithful servant now to be

Sunday 26 April 2009

Valuing Faith & Community

Often it's very easy to take the blessings of life for granted. So with purposeful planning, we met in worship today at Inala Chapel determined to value our Christian faith and those within our worshipping community.

Reflecting on the privilege of personal salvation and the need for pursuing holiness, we considered the spiritual blessings made available to us through Christ under the theme, "Come, Feast At The Table".

The Inala Choir brought much inspiration with their sensitive rendition of "At the table of the Lord", reminding us to be always be open to experiencing the hope, peace, love and grace of God that brings fulness of life as we claim the promises of God everyday.

A special feature of our meeting was an acknowledgement of the ministry and service of Major Win Barker, who has faithfully served the Lord as Chapel Pastoral Care Officer for the past 10 years. Win's effective ministry of personal care and concern has been greatly valued by the chapel fellowship at large. The wording on the appreciation card said it all: "Everything you do for the Lord matters, and everything you do for others is an expression of God's abundant love to you." Win's personal dedication in developing an effective pastoral ministry has certainly been beneficial both on a corporate and individual level that only eternity itself will reveal.

In a further endeavour to strengthen our faith community, fifty people gathered together around common meal tables to share a fellowship luncheon. Social interaction over a scrumptious menu certainly enhanced our spiritual bond of fellowship, with the highlight being the spirited singing of grace - "Be present at our table, Lord".

Feasting on God's 'banquet of grace' was, and always is, most valuable!

"Come and take your place at the banquet of grace.
There is room at the table for you."
(Joseph M Martin - At the table of the Lord)

Sunday 19 April 2009

South Barwon: Spirit-led

One of the highlights of being a member of the Melbourne Staff Songsters is the opportunity to visit many different corps (Salvo churches) in order to promote the gospel and provide spiritual and personal encouragement to those who attend worship in their respective local communities.

Though sometimes we do so, we should never underestimate the power and ability of God's Holy Spirit to minister through gospel music. Singing as an act of worship is not purposed solely for corporate entertainment, but is a God-inspired and blessed medium of sharing the message of God's love, as well as being a means of creating a worshipful atmosphere where people feel comfortable to openly communicate with God on a very deep and personal level.

Praise be to God for moving in hearts and lives by both confirming and challenging many with a reminder that His grace is more than sufficient for their every need.

I encourage you to pray for the ministry team at South Barwon - Majors David & Gloria Eldridge and Lieutenant Aaron Stobie. Together they are serving God well in building the Kingdom by offering exciting opportunities for people to personally encounter the grace of God upon their lives.

Sunday 12 April 2009

Saturday 11 April 2009

EASTER SATURDAY: Low In The Grave He Lay

Low in the grave He lay, Jesus my Saviour
Waiting the coming day, Jesus my Lord!
(Robert Lowry)

"All good things come to those who wait", but

Friday 10 April 2009

GOOD FRIDAY: He Took My Place

Surely He took up our infirmities and carried our sorrows,
yet we considered Him stricken by God, smitten by Him, and afflicted.
But He was pierced for our transgressions, He was crushed for our iniquities;
the punishment that brought us peace was upon Him, and by His wounds we are healed.

ISAIAH 53:4-5 (NIV)

Sunday 5 April 2009

On The Road With Jesus

PALM SUNDAY ~ This most significant day marked the beginning of the last week that Jesus would spend as “God-man”. His journey along the road to Jerusalem that day also marked the 'beginning of the end' of his earthly ministry. On that road to Jerusalem, every step Jesus traveled was one closer to His own death, burial and glorious Resurrection.

Reflecting on Matthew 21:1-11, the Road to Jerusalem that Jesus travelled was clearly also:
  • A Road of Humility (verses 1-3)
  • A Road of Fulfilment (verses 4-5)
  • A Road of Submission (verses 6-8)
  • A Road of Destiny (verses 9-11)

Likewise, as followers of Jesus Christ, we are called to respond to God's love, through the power of His Spirit at work within us. We do this by seeking to live our lives with humility, fulfilled within the will of God, submitted to the Lordship of Christ - for we are destined to eternal life.

As you ponder on the events of Holy Week over the next few days, I pray that you might recommit to walking the road of humility, obedience and submission to the Lord Jesus in all you do. May the assurance of your faith be deepened into God's love more and more.

Matthew 21:4-5 (NJKV) ~ “All this was done that it might be fulfilled which was spoken by the prophet, saying: ...'Behold, your King is coming to you, lowly, and sitting on a donkey - a colt, the foal of a donkey.'”

Sunday 29 March 2009

Christ At Coal Creek

While on holiday recently I revisted Coal Creek Heritage Museum, as my last visit there would have been some 28 years ago on a primary school excursion. Historic, hey?

While strolling the various heritage buildings I paused for some moments in a little old church. The interior decor was striking, for despite its simplicity it depicted a complexity of emotions.

My attention was immediately drawn to a framed velvet artwork in the left corner behind the pulpit, which I photographed as shown here. I later learned that it is a reproduction of Hofmann's Christ In Gethsemane.

Further research revealed that the German artist's (1824-1911) religious works were symbolic of the profound faith that guided his life and fed his creative genius. He painted subjects from literature and mythology, but is best known for his paintings of the life of Christ. Deeply affected by his beloved mother’s death, Hofmann was inspired to paint his first large religious work, “The Burial of Christ”. Interestingly, he was deeply devout and diligently studied the Bible before painting any scene from Christ’s life, strongly believing that unless someone was moved to their innermost soul while painting religious subjects, they were incapable of the task.

During these weeks of Lenten reflection I've been constantly reminded that the gospel is deeply personal. Yes, the sacrifice of Christ was deeply personal and continues to deepen within me a greater personal appreciation of the extent of God's love.

As I left that little church at Coal Creek, I took with me a deeper desire for personal spiritual engagement summed up well by the words on a plaque by the door.

Whosoever thou art that enterest this Church,
Remember it is the House of God.
Be reverent,
Be silent,
Be thoughtful,
And leave it not without a prayer to God
For thyself,
For those who minister,
And those who worship here.

Friday 20 March 2009

The Lord Is My Chaplain

I attended a divisional chaplains meeting this morning and was greatly encouraged by the focussed discussion that took place. While there were many definitions of chaplaincy, it was affirming to be reminded of the value of chaplaincy in our changing world and to hear an acknowledgment that, first and foremost, chaplaincy is a ministry.

As a result of this and other personal reflections, I was inspired to compose the following paraphase of the well-known and often-quoted Psalm 23.

The Lord is my Chaplain!
Together we journey through life as trusted companions
He listens to me in gentle understanding
Always encouraging and supportive, never pushy or threatening
When I tread the streets of frustration, despair and anxiety
He guides me to discover the fullness of His love, grace and peace
I am reminded that He is ever-near, guarding and sustaining
Despite facing uncertain cirumstances and changing scenarios
His constant presence fosters hope and strength within me
And helps me to envision a better future
Where I'll know the joy of His eternal care
copyright 2009, Timothy D Lynn

Thursday 12 March 2009

Voice Of The Church ~ Conference and Concert

Come along for all or part of the day vocal conference, and plan to attend the 7.30pm combined vocal concert at Doncaster Corps featuring singers from Camberwell, Mooroolbark, Northcote and Warragul Salvos.


1 Chronicles 16:9 (NIV) ~ "Sing to him, sing praise to him; tell of all his wonderful acts."

Friday 6 March 2009

Informed Prayer, Prayerful Action

Today's World Day of Prayer service was focussed on Papua New Guinea.

My wife did a sterling job in arranging and leading the prayer liturgy through, with assistance from a few reader volunteers.

The highlight though was our guest speaker.
Brigadier Gwen Pedersen, a exemplary missionary officer, spoke firsthand of her ministry and service in Papua New Guinea over many years, where she lived and served in retirement with her husband, Brigadier Vic.

Brigadier Gwen took us on a most interesting and engaging journey of the places she visited and the people she loved, delighting us with humourous stories and cause for Christian concern.

This year's chosen theme, In Christ We Are Many Yet One Body, was well highlighted through this personal and prayerful reflection time.

Romans 12:5-6a (NIV) ~ " Christ we who are many form one body, and each member belongs to all the others. We have different gifts, according to the grace given us."

Tuesday 3 March 2009

Seniors Rally

Connecting with God is vital. Connecting with God is exciting...especially when a group of seniors are gathered together for meaningful worship and individual fellowship.

This was certainly evident today as the Eastern Victoria Division hosted its annual Seniors Rally at Doncaster, organized by Major Jennifer Cloke (Divisional Community Care Secretary) and well supported by territorial leaders, Commissioners Carolyn & Jim Knaggs, together with our own divisional staff. The Melbourne Veterans' Band were the invited guest musicians and they certainly added a spirit of praise to the gathering that focussed from start to finish on "Connecting With God".

I was privileged to be in attendance and personally participated by reciting selected verses from Romans chapter 8. These are inspiring words that are the basis for the personal confidence we have in our Christ-inspired daily faith - words that were supported with spontaneous applause.

Well, there's got to be a first time for everything. Why not at a seniors rally from wise and well-travelled fellow believers?

Romans 8:37 (NLT) ~ "...overwhelming victory is ours through Christ, who loved us."

Sunday 1 March 2009

Maryborough 125th

The Melbourne Staff Songsters were guests of the Maryborough Corps over this weekend to assist them in celebrating 125 years of ministry within their local community. Captains Andrew and Kelly Walker have a wide-reaching, effective Christian influence as leaders of this vibrant, growing corps community.

It was great to witness the exciting present with the enrolment of 5 Adherents, and hear something of the past victories that inspire the modern-day Salvationists and friends of the corps to pave the way for a bright, hopeful future.

In honour of their 125th anniversary, Captain Peter Walker (CO's brother) composed 'March Maryborough' ~ a joyous, toe-tapping rendition of two theme songs: "Storm the forts of the darkness" and "Fill the world with glory".

Deuteronomy 4:29b (NIV) ~ " the LORD your God, you will find him if you look for him with all your heart and with all your soul."

MSS Executive Officer

Our weekend got off to a great start when Melbourne Staff Songster Leader Brian Hogg announced that Major Judith Soeters, a fellow MSS member, has been appointed as our new Executive Officer.

I am confident that the ministry of the MSS will be greatly enhanced by the spiritual leadership of Major Judith. May God bless her more richly still!

Sunday 22 February 2009

Thanksgiving Sunday

This morning at Inala Chapel we celebrated Thanksgiving Sunday ~ an opportunity for us as a worshipping Christian faith community to respond practically and prayerfully to those affected by the recent Bushfire Crisis. Originally we had scheduled a Harvest Sunday, but our worship focus was changed to accommodate a united response to local needs. How confirming it was to learn that the day after we changed focus, PM Rudd followed suit by announcing a National Day of Mourning to coincide most appropriately with our new plans!

Our guest musicians for this poignant occasion were Classic Brass ~ a group of accomplished Salvo brass bandsmen who continually glorify God through their music ministry and personal spiritual lives. We were blessed by their valued contribution to worship that enhanced our corporate spirit of thanksgiving, inspiring us all to better personal efforts of daily 'thanks-living'.

We are pleased to gratefully acknowledge the most generous and compassionate response of our caring congregation in donating 550 'non-perishable' items in response to our call for material aid assistance, and $3,450.35 toward The Salvation Army's Bushfire Appeal love offering. Hallelujah!
1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 (CEV) ~ "Always be joyful and never stop praying. Whatever happens, keep thanking God because of Jesus Christ. This is what God wants you to do."

Sunday 15 February 2009

A Reliable Supply

This morning I quoted the following words from Joy Webb's composition, A New Dimension.

When you come to the end of yourself, you can touch the beginning of God's love.
When all human agencies have failed, you can touch the beginning of God's love...
No man goes beyond the place, where you can touch the beginning of God's love.

What a fitting reminder! By the sheer grace of God, we are able to tap into an uninterrupted Divine supply that will equip us with all we need to endure. To 'touch the beginning of God's love' is to be plugged in to God's 'eternal life-support'. Are you?

'When we reach the end of our hoarded resources
Our Father's full giving is only begun.'
Annie Johnson Flint

Saturday 14 February 2009

Healesville Bushfire Relief Centre

With the ongoing need for emergency relief support, Healesville is just one of many such centres around Victoria. It is here that dedicated community aid organization volunteers from all support agencies come "face to face" with the growing number of bushfire survivors, and do their best to offer practical, holistic help to meet the multifarious personal needs.

Coordinating the Salvos "heart to God, hand to man" front line mission action is Healesville's Salvo officer, Envoy Graeme Mawson (pictured right). The current responsibility is huge and the daily tasks are ever-growing, but be assured of this: Graeme is God's man for the moment! He is well equipped with Divine resource, and well supported by a team of volunteers with their 'sleeves rolled up' and their 'Christ-like compassion' on public display. To serve alongside Graeme and his team is a personal privilege.

As time goes on, I understand that these local emergency relief centres will (by nature) become recovery centres. Regardless of the designation, these centres are a vital refuge for the 'fire-affected'. A place where practical helps and personal grants are offered in supportive care and with compassionate grace.

Resounding echoes of Ruth 2:13 are evident in every personal contact: "...such grace, such kindness—I don't deserve it. You've touched my heart, treated me like one of your own. And I don't even belong here!"

Wednesday 11 February 2009

Hope From The Heart

My wife and I were humbled this morning to be involved in preparing emergency relief accommodation at The Basin in preparation for 13 fire-affected families, and have just returned from an eight hour shift (4pm-midnight) at the Healesville Relief Centre, where local community organizations - Red Cross, DHS, Centrelink, Police, Medical staff, Shire workers and Salvos - are working cooperatively together to provide much-needed practical support and aid relief.

What amazed us the most was the strong community spirit, evidenced by the numerous incoming donations and the immense generosity of the public. As you would expect at a time of national crisis such as this, community actions were motivated more from a 'heart-perspective' than the often beaurocractic, 'red tape'-type response.

A most poignant memory took place in the hallway of the relief centre, where a teenager dropped by wanting to donate her cherished teddy bear to a needy child. The yellow sticky note attached read "I hope you love him as much as I did. Love A." Moments after receiving the teddy, a mother and father came through the door seeking assistance. The teddy was offered, accepted and handed over with the teenage donor witnessing the personal exchange. Introductions were made, and it was as if a lasting friendship had been forged - all through the bonds of personal generosity and loving support.

The encouragement: Hope always abounds in the midst of hopeless situations.

Psalm 9:18 (NIV) ~ "...the needy will not always be forgotten, nor the hope of the afflicted ever perish."

Sunday 8 February 2009

Victorian Bushfires

Following a week of extreme heat waves and yesterday's 46.4oC record highest temperature, fires continue to rage throughout Victoria wreaking havoc and widespread devastation.

While Victorians watch on in horror and disbelief, contemplating the current death toll of 35 (and rising!) we can't avoid feeling helpless about what we can do to provide much-needed relief and assistance.

At times of tragedy like this, Christians have been known to say, "The least we can do is pray." My own personal faith experience assures me that the MOST we can do is pray. Intercessory prayer coupled with practical assistance will bring the most benefit to all concerned.

Deuteronomy 33:25 (KJV) ~ "As your days, so shall your strength be."

PS. Ironically, the 'Ambassadors of Holiness' sessional song for this afternoon's Cadets Welcome is titled, "Keep the fire burning!"...not, we pray, in a physical sense!

Friday 6 February 2009

Psalms Now

I always enjoy a 'fresh' interpretation of Scripture that makes it come alive in a very personal way. Today I shared Psalm 23, as interpreted below by Leslie F Brandt in his book, Psalms/Now(Concordia, 1973).

The Lord is my constant companion.
There is no need that He cannot fulfill.
Whether His course for me points
To the mountaintops of glorious ecstacy
Or to the valleys of human suffering,
He is by my side,
He is ever present with me.
He is close beside me when I tread the dark streets of danger,
And even when I flirt with death itself,
He will not leave me.
When the pain is severe, He is near to comfort.
When the burden is heavy, He is there to lean upon.
When depression darkens my soul, He touches me with eternal joy.
When I feel empty and alone, He fills the aching vacuum with His power.
My security is in His promise to be near to me always,
And in the knowledge that He will never let me go.

It is my prayer that it may bring you much personal inspiration as you contemplate the truth of this experience for yourself.

Sunday 1 February 2009

Birthday Card Humour

Here's the card that got my #1 vote!

Cindy was not a good singer.
She didn't like singing.
She didn't like choir practice.
She just liked the forgiving nature of the robes.

It's your birthday!
Let's put on robes and have some cake!

Celebration Day

Today has been a Celebration Day in more ways than one. Corporately, we celebrated our Christian faith in a variety of worship settings and each time sensed the grace of God at work in our lives. On a personal note, I enjoyed the opportunity to celebrate a birthday meal with family and friends and give thanks to God for a blessed life thus far.

This evening I was privileged to attend the Waverley Temple Corps' installation of my sister-in-law, Allison Lynn, as their Youth Ministry Assistant. It was another faith-affirming occasion in which to celebrate God at work - this time in the lives of our youth.

Celebration is an essential part of our spiritual DNA. Look around for reasons to celebrate. You'll be glad you did!

Deuteronomy 16:12 (MSG) ~ "You are to celebrate in the Presence of God, your God, all the things you've been able to accomplish."

Saturday 24 January 2009

Inspired By History

Yesterday morning I had the privilege to officiate at the interment service for Major Jean Parker. Members of the family and close friends gathered at the grave of Mrs Adjutant Mary Jane Cottle (Jean's mother), where Major Parker was interred, to give glory to God for Jean's faithful Christian service and witness and dedicate themselves to be God afresh for future days.

Mrs Adjutant Cottle was promoted to Glory in January 1938 (aged 54 years) and had given many years of dedicated service to God through the Army's social services in both the UK and Australia. An officer who served alongside then Ensign Twaddle at Hope House in 1919 spoke of her "cheerful disposition, practical sympathy, and faith in the ability of God to help the worst", in a War Cry tribute to her life and service appropriately titled, Fragrant with Holy Service [included here for your reading interest!]

The featured article concludes with Jean's father, Adjutant Robert Cottle, recalling how he received comfort from a man he had not previously met who, at the open grave (where we were standing!), remarked to him: "Remember, your sheet-anchor is to trust in God."

Now that's a word for us all from the annals of Army history!

Lord, create in me a firm faith in the ability of God to help the worst; make me a servant 'fragrant with holy service'; and guide me to anchor myself daily in your trustworthiness.

Sunday 18 January 2009

Humility in Leadership

When most people think of leadership, they picture a military officer giving out orders, a king lording it over his subjects or an employer closely supervising his employees, making sure all the work gets done. These aspects can be part of leadership, but they are not the essence of spiritual leadership. Spiritual leadership is the opposite of what most people think.

Spiritual leadership is primarily servant leadership. Jesus Christ Himself taught us, "just as the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many" (Matthew 20:28). Jesus was most definitely a leader. He was the leader of the twelve disciples, as well as a greater group of followers (Luke 10:1-17). Jesus did not lead by giving out orders or by supervising. Jesus led by being a servant and serving alongside of His followers.

Spiritual leadership involves humility - humbling oneself in order to do the tasks that no one else wants to do. In Jesus' time, the act of washing feet was to be assigned to the lowest of servants. However, at the last supper, Jesus humbled Himself and washed the disciples' feet. Afterwards he declared, "Do you understand what I have done for you? ... You call me 'Teacher' and 'Lord,' and rightly so, for that is what I am. Now that I, your Lord and Teacher, have washed your feet, you also should wash one another's feet. I have set you an example that you should do as I have done for you. I tell you the truth, no servant is greater than his master, nor is a messenger greater than the one who sent him. Now that you know these things, you will be blessed if you do them" (John 13:12-17).

Genuine spiritual leadership, characterized by a spirit of humility and service, will cause people to follow you because they want to, not because they have to. Genuine humility in spiritual leadership is attractive. People want to follow a person who serves alongside them and sets an example for them. Perhaps the Apostle Paul sums it up best, "Follow my example, as I follow the example of Christ" (1 Corinthians 11:1).

Spiritual leadership insists on humility - the attitude of putting others ahead of yourself, and considering others more important than yourself. Thinking too highly of yourself prevents you from genuinely caring for others. Humility enables leaders to serve others wholeheartedly and, in doing so, set an example that others will follow.

Jesus Christ is the ultimate example of spiritual leadership. Let's not be swayed by popular opinion or a desire to popular. Let's follow Christ's example only!

Sunday 11 January 2009

Living In The Presence Of God

Of all the resolutions we might make at the beginning of each new year, none is more important than dedicating ourselves afresh to God, and committing wholeheartedly to ‘live in His guiding presence’ day by day.

As I read and contemplate the words of Isaiah 43, I sense that the deep desire of God is that His people ‘live in His presence’ so that the ‘witness of our lives’ will bring glory and honour to His name. Through the prophet Isaiah, God offers us the assurance of His presence ~ “Do not be afraid, I have called you by name, you are mine… I will be with you… I am the Lord your God who saves you.”

God then continues to affirm His loving faithfulness to us in the most intimate of language: “You are precious to me…I love you…and give you honour.Do not be afraid – I AM WITH YOU.”

Such words inspire me to live my life each day in God's Presence with certainty and expectation. How about you?

Song 727 (verse 4)
"I am trusting thee to guide me; Thou alone shalt lead.
Every day and hour supplying all my need.

Saturday 10 January 2009

Prize Catch

Today is an historic day! My wife went on her first ever Fishing Trip and pulled in this 6.6kg (13lbs) Altlantic Salmon. Later in the day, she remarked to me: "I had the privilege to catch it, and you had the privilege of paying for it!"

Here's my own paraphrase of Habakkuk 1:14 (MSG) ~ "She pulls in a good catch...— a good day of fishing! She's happy... and she's going to eat well tonight!"

I can't let this opportunity go by without a reminder that, when we respond obediently to the love of God, we are His "prize catch"! He paid the ultimate price for us ~ such is His love!

Friday 9 January 2009

Preacher's Pledge

The Bible as the Word of God is central to Christian faith and practice. As a minister of the Gospel, it is certainly a central part of my personal devotions, pastoral visitations and preaching ministry as I serve the Lord in aged care chaplaincy.

I came across the following pledge as I was perusing the Sermon Central website today and decided to join thousands of other preachers/pastors in this vital committment.

I will make the Bible my primary resource in sermon preparation and preaching.
I may use other resources such as commentaries and web sites to enhance, not replace, my personal interaction with Scripture.
As I study I will strive to accurately understand and honestly apply God's Word, allowing Him to uniquely proclaim His truth in a relevant way through me.

Will you take The Pledge to keep the Word of God pre-eminent in your life and ministry?

Wednesday 7 January 2009

Best Wishes

I continue to be amused by an SMS greeting received late New Year's Day from a dear friend of ours overseas.

May peace break into your home
May thieves steal your debts
May your pockets become magnets of $100 bills
And may your clothes smell of success
May love barricade you
May laughter assault your lips
May happiness hit you like a tsunami
May your tears be those of joy
And may good health linger always on your path
But most of all, may the problems you had forget your home address!

While not overly realistic perhaps, the sentiments of the wish were truly heartfelt.

How we praise God for a realistic Christian faith that reminds us to live in the abiding love of God, and in doing so, know the "fullness of life"!

Reflect on these words from the Apostle Paul taken from Philippians 4:10-13 (MSG):

I'm glad in God, far happier than you would ever guess—happy that you're again showing such strong concern for me. Not that you ever quit praying and thinking about me... Actually, I don't have a sense of needing anything personally. I've learned by now to be quite content whatever my circumstances. I'm just as happy with little as with much, with much as with little. I've found the recipe for being happy whether full or hungry, hands full or hands empty. Whatever I have, wherever I am, I can make it through anything in the One who makes me who I am.

Sunday 4 January 2009

Epiphany Sunday

Epiphany (Greek for "to manifest" or "to show"), is a Christian feast day which celebrates the "shining forth" or revelation of God in human form in the person of Jesus Christ. The Feast of the Epiphany falls on January 6, and is always celebrated on the nearest Sunday.

The focus of this day is twofold: Western Christians commemorate the visitation of the Magi, or "Wise Men", to the child Jesus on this day (ie. his manifestation to the Gentiles). Eastern Christians commemorate the baptism of Jesus in the Jordan River, his manifestation as the Son of God to the world.

Arise, shine, for your light has come,
and the glory of the Lord has risen upon you...
even though nations are still in darkness...
on you the light of God will shine...
the brightness of God's presence will be with you.
Based on Isaiah 60:1-2

Lord, like the worshipful Wise Men, we offer you the gift of our very lives ~ the gold of our obedience and the incense of our lowliness. May the faith we live each day be a fragrant perfume that glorifies Your name and inspires others to find their hope in Christ ~ the true Light of the world.

Friday 2 January 2009

Southbank Solitude

We all need moments of relaxation and opportunities to recharge our energy levels. Following the 'hustle and bustle' of the Advent and Christmas seasons and 'get up and go' of welcoming in the New Year, today offered us the much-needed chance to simply slow down somewhat and enjoy some solitude together.

Throwing caution to the wind, I made a rash yet rare decision to travel on public transport to the city with my wife for what was a most enjoyable evening 'down by the riverside'.

Southbank is a 'scenic solace' offering fine cuisine, relaxed riverside routes and a re-energizing environment. It was certainly a great way to start 2009!
Giving ourselves permission to enjoy moments of solitude is vital to one and all. Personal recharge opportunities compliment spiritual ministry more than we can imagine.

Job 11:13 (MSG) ~ "Full of hope, you'll relax, confident again; you'll look around, sit back, and take it easy. Expansive, without a care in the world, you'll be hunted out by many for your blessing."