Monday, 9 August 2010

Adelaide Congress Hall 130th

The Melbourne Staff Songsters spent the weekend in South Australia visiting the Adelaide Congress Hall Corps (Australia Southern Territory's #1 corps) to launch their 130th anniversary celebrations.

From the moment we arrived and were greeted by Major Sue Wallace (CO) and Captains Matt & Clare Reeve (Asst COs), it was evident that there was an air of excitement and expectation for a God-glorifying time of praise and celebration.

The Saturday evening concert entitled "GOD IS..." was a great opportunity to present a fresh and relevant challenge to everyone present - a challenge that proved to be life-changing in more ways than one.

After a time of worship on Sunday morning we shared in lunch fellowship, before heading down to the Rundle Mall for an 'open air' concert with the corps' brass ensemble, where we were again able to "connect through song".

Click here to view some footage of our opening number.

Praise God for His faithfulness, yesterday, today...and forever!