Monday 30 November 2009

"Connecting Forward" Commissioning Weekend

Salvos united in faith worship and and mission purpose is a most powerful and inspiring force!

Such was this past weekend as we met together with international special guests, Chief of the Staff Commissioner Robin Dunster - a fellow Australian officer and the Army's first woman officer to hold this 2IC international office - accompanied by Lieut-Colonel Edna Williams (Support Officer).

On Friday morning, Officers Councils provided an opportunity for spiritual reflection and renewal as we considered that our calling to full-time ministry demands a "Whatever It Costs" personal response. In the afternoon, we were reminded that God the Holy Spirit continues to work in our lives and the lives of others as the Army expands it global ministry in response to the Great Commission. The annual Overseas Missionary Offering collected in excess of $5,000.

A Valedictory Service, featuring the cadets of the Prayer Warriors session, was a great cause for rejoicing as they each received their International Certificates of Officership in preparation for their Commissioning & Ordination. The Graduation Address delivered by the Chief of the Staff was a vital challenge to 'Be Diligent' for God and The Salvation Army.

On Saturday afternoon, Victorian Salvationists took part in a Rally through the CBD to Federation Square for the "Salvos Out There" exhibition and worship event. Stirring music and inspiring stories were the basic means of sharing with the Melbourne community the five mission values of The Salvation Army: Justice, Community, Human Dignity, Compassion and Hope. Praise God, 14 people were saved as a result of this PR initiative!

In the evening, we had opportunity to publicly celebrate the life and ministry of General Eva Burrows with a musical & dramatic tribute event in honour of her 80th birthday. A highlight of the night was the presentation of "The Three Bonnets" by Carol Jaudes and Karen Krinjak (both from USA) - a three act, one woman play focussing on three well-known Army leaders: Catherine Booth, Evangline Booth and Eva Burrows.
The cadets' Commissioning & Ordination Service took place on Sunday morning in what was a most sacred and spiritually affirming occasion. The Chief of the Staff reminded all present that we experience 'The Full Extent of God's Love' as we trust Him implicitly and obediently. A full response was made as people came forward seeking holiness, salvation, and responding to the Holy Spirit's leading to full-time ministry. Hallelujah!

Personal spiritual reflection then continued on into a time of corporate praise as we met for the Appointment Service of the new Lieutenants, who were challenged again by the Chief of the Staff to go out with the assurance, and in the confidence, of God's Power and Authority. Following this, many responded again to the Call to Service as Commissioner James Knaggs shared the territory's vision for 210 mission centres in Australia Southern by 2010 - an increase of 36 mission centres in the new year.

How we praise God for a full weekend spent enjoying the fullness of His rich blessings!

Monday 9 November 2009

Remembrance Day Focus

Gathering together in worship with members of the RSL Red Shield sub branch yesterday morning was both a privilege and an inspiration. Our worship experience focussed on the theme 'Sacrifice - the greatest gift', and caused us to give glory to God for all He has done for us through Jesus. On the other hand, sacrificing ourselves to God's will and purpose is also the greatest gift that we can offer Him.

The choir contributed a most fitting vocal reflection entitled 'Above All with My Saviour's love' - "...Like a rose trampled on the ground, He took the fall and thought of me, above all."

In keeping with the dignity and solemn reflection of this worship occasion, I came across the following words penned by Doreen Lankshear-Smith which we used as a final congregational song.


O God of endless ages,whose will is still that we
Should live in peace and freedom, with love of liberty
In prayer we now remember the death and dignity
Of those who sought to rescueThis precious legacy

They gave themselves for others whose names they did not know
For God and for their country they vowed to overthrow
The infamous oppressor, their lives prepared to give
With selflessness and courage they died that we might live

The wars that now we're waging on crime and poverty
Disease and much injustice absorb our energy
Yet often with indiff'rence we, in these latter days
Forget the poppy's symbol their sacrifice portrays
With each new generation the memory further fades
Deep into history's pages, with tales of bygone days
So may our children's children, as rich inheritors
With us, o God, remember why freedom still endures

© 1982 Doreen M. Lankshear-Smith

(Tune: Aurelia)

The benediction, too, was both exhortative and encouraging.

Let us leave this place in remembrance, rejoicing that...
From the rising of the sun until its setting
From the bleakness of war to the lavish warmth of peace
From the peace of eternity to the pain of the present moment
Go in the knowledge that God holds you in the palm of His hand.

Wednesday 4 November 2009

Salvo Online Worship Community

Last night I shared in the inaugural 'isalvos' online worship experience. This concept of an 'online corps meeting' is a result of the internet ministry of Envoy Grant & Bev Whitehead and is streamed out live from The Salvation Army's Eastern Victoria Divisional Headquarters on Tuesdays at 9pm, AEST.

It's a most interesting spiritual venture, and one that I pray will continue to bear much fruit for the Kingdom of God as they seek to encourage others to explore faith through the medium of 'cyber church'.

Check out their website -

Better still, log onto the website next Tuesday @ 9pm, and share in the 'live stream' worship experience. And as you do, pray expectantly for transformational spiritual encounters!

2 THESSALONIANS 2:16-17 (NIV) ~ "May our Lord Jesus Christ himself and God our Father, who loved us and by his grace gave us eternal encouragement and good hope, encourage your hearts and strengthen you in every good deed and word."

Tuesday 3 November 2009

A Timely Reflection

I came across this reflection amongst my many resources recently while spring cleaning. Taking the time to stop and read these words brought me a real sense of personal encouragement and timely inspiration. Just what I needed at this challenging period of my ministry experience!

  • Giving when you feel like keeping
  • Praying for others when you need to be prayer for
  • Feeding others when your own soul is hungry
  • Living truth before people even when you can't see results
  • Hurting with other people when your own hurt can't be spoken
  • Keeping your word even when it is not convenient
  • Being faithful when your flesh wants to run away.

(James A Holt)