Friday 18 May 2007

Impatient Patience

"Yes, come in right away. We'll slot you in as a 'Next available appointment' patient. Current waiting time is about 30mins." Well, about 2 hours later we entered the doctor's consulting room very much relieved to be seen and yet still very annoyed at the wait we had to endure. I suppose you could say that, on this occasion, we were impatient patients.

On arriving home, I picked up my devotional book and read these words from a poem entitled "Some Sample!"

I'm not a first-class sample, Lord, it true,
Of what your all-transforming grace can do!
No 'specimen' to hold up for inspection,
No 'evidence' of Spirit-wrought perfection!

My faith is sometimes flawed, my trust in tatters,
But still you hope for me, that's all that matters.

I'm not much of a sample, it's the truth,
But of your patience I'm the living proof!
John Gowans

What a sobering thought! Praise God, He is always patient and forgiving toward us regardless of the circumstances...and if He, why not us?