One of the highlights of being a member of the Melbourne Staff Songsters is the opportunity to visit many different corps (Salvo churches) in order to promote the gospel and provide spiritual and personal encouragement to those who attend worship in their respective local communities.
Though sometimes we do so, we should never underestimate the power and ability of God's Holy Spirit to minister through gospel music. Singing as an act of worship is not purposed solely for corporate entertainment, but is a God-inspired and blessed medium of sharing the message of God's love, as well as being a means of creating a worshipful atmosphere where people feel comfortable to openly communicate with God on a very deep and personal level.
Praise be to God for moving in hearts and lives by both confirming and challenging many with a reminder that His grace is more than sufficient for their every need.
I encourage you to pray for the ministry team at South Barwon - Majors David & Gloria Eldridge and Lieutenant Aaron Stobie. Together they are serving God well in building the Kingdom by offering exciting opportunities for people to personally encounter the grace of God upon their lives.