Thursday 6 December 2007

Star Seeking

Since we purchased a fibre-optic Christmas tree this year, it has been rather enjoyable to relax in the lounge room of an evening and simply watch the lights go through their routine. But I must confess that I am missing the star. I can handle doing away with the twisted tinsel, tangled lights and tiny decorative accessories, but I'm really missing the star.

The Scriptures record that the wise men followed the star in the east on their journey to encounter the King of Love. En route, they arrived in Jerusalem, met with King Herod and told him that they had observed the star and were on their way to worship the Child King. It was clear that the star signalled His birth and led them into His presence.

Christmas tree stars, then, are more than a mere decoration. They are a reminder that Jesus is the "Reason for the Season" and that we need to journey into His presence. They are a timely advent reminder that we 'come to worship Him'. I guess that's why stars are always found on top of Christmas trees ~ to remind us that we always need to look up to God and seek to worship Jesus, His 'gifted' Son.

Matthew 2:2b (NIV) ~ "We saw his star in the east and have come to worship him."

Oh, and by the way, I'm going to seek for a star tomorrow to hang on the window above the tree!