Monday 9 August 2010

Adelaide Congress Hall 130th

The Melbourne Staff Songsters spent the weekend in South Australia visiting the Adelaide Congress Hall Corps (Australia Southern Territory's #1 corps) to launch their 130th anniversary celebrations.

From the moment we arrived and were greeted by Major Sue Wallace (CO) and Captains Matt & Clare Reeve (Asst COs), it was evident that there was an air of excitement and expectation for a God-glorifying time of praise and celebration.

The Saturday evening concert entitled "GOD IS..." was a great opportunity to present a fresh and relevant challenge to everyone present - a challenge that proved to be life-changing in more ways than one.

After a time of worship on Sunday morning we shared in lunch fellowship, before heading down to the Rundle Mall for an 'open air' concert with the corps' brass ensemble, where we were again able to "connect through song".

Click here to view some footage of our opening number.

Praise God for His faithfulness, yesterday, today...and forever!

Saturday 7 August 2010


This was the theme of today's Chapel Service, attended by 30 staff, volunteers, clients and friends of Doveton CSS. Focussing on Matthew 6, we explored together the importance of prayer. An important feature was the introduction and dedication of our both of new Chapel Cross and Mercy Seat (place of prayer).

The shared 'Faith Thought' can be summed up as follows:
  • RSVP = God's 'Please Respond' Invitation to us to commune with Him regularly through prayer
  • ASAP = Always Say A Prayer!
Praise God, we had two first time attendees - one from our Men's Breakfast and another who 'walked in' off the street seeking assistance. In speaking with them both at the conclusion, I discovered that they had both enjoyed the worship service - adding that they hadn't been to church for many years.

Despite my own preconceived notions, I was vividly reminded today of the fact that while we don't know the ins and outs regarding the backgrounds of everyone we meet, we can be sure that God does. He knows our needs and what it is we need. His timing is unquestionably right - in every way!

Our worship focus on prayer was timely for so many - and mine was the privilege to share with folk in both corporate public and private prayer for expressed concerns and needs. The worship was nice; the fellowship was encouraging; but, most of all, the prayer time was 'powerful and effective'!

Thank You, Lord, for confirming once again that Doveton's FaithWorks Chapel is an integral mission imperative of our integrated mission centre!

Always Say A Prayer (ASAP)

There's work to do, deadlines to meet
You've got no time to spare
But as you hurry and scurry
ASAP - always say a prayer

In the midst of family chaos
"Quality time" is rare
Do your best; let God do the rest:
ASAP - always say a prayer

It may seem like your worries
Are more than you can bear
Slow down and take a breather -
ASAP - always say a prayer

God knows how stressful life is
He wants to ease our cares
And He'll respond ASAP -

Author: Lisa Engelhardt

Sunday 1 August 2010

One Of Life's Certainties

Our circumstances and experiences of life are not always predictable. And neither are they always fair. One day is momentously memorable and the next is terribly tragic. We constantly ride a roller coaster of emotion and response, reacting to all that takes place around us in our everyday routines.

However, despite life's many uncertainties, one thing alway inspires me to hope - to look for a better outcome - a new possibility. That certainty is my faith in God. My personal belief and knowledge that assures me that there is a 'Greater Divine Being' in control. Not necessarily to
fix and mend', but to suppport and strengthen me. For I am certain that my Great God is powerfully present in my every circumstance and situation - intimately involved by equipping me with His 'more than sufficent' grace for my every need.

During this morning's worship, the band shared a message that encouraged my heart and inspired me to 'go deeper with God'. Here are the words:

"I can think of Him in my happy hours, when my heart is gay, glad my way;
Knowing He walks with me, I can always think of Him.

I can think of Him in prayer, for I know He will be there;
In my brightest day or my darkest way, I can think of Him in prayer.

I can think of Him in my darkest hours, when I cannot see what will be;
And despair stifles prayer. I can always think of Him."
Joy Webb