Sunday 22 February 2009

Thanksgiving Sunday

This morning at Inala Chapel we celebrated Thanksgiving Sunday ~ an opportunity for us as a worshipping Christian faith community to respond practically and prayerfully to those affected by the recent Bushfire Crisis. Originally we had scheduled a Harvest Sunday, but our worship focus was changed to accommodate a united response to local needs. How confirming it was to learn that the day after we changed focus, PM Rudd followed suit by announcing a National Day of Mourning to coincide most appropriately with our new plans!

Our guest musicians for this poignant occasion were Classic Brass ~ a group of accomplished Salvo brass bandsmen who continually glorify God through their music ministry and personal spiritual lives. We were blessed by their valued contribution to worship that enhanced our corporate spirit of thanksgiving, inspiring us all to better personal efforts of daily 'thanks-living'.

We are pleased to gratefully acknowledge the most generous and compassionate response of our caring congregation in donating 550 'non-perishable' items in response to our call for material aid assistance, and $3,450.35 toward The Salvation Army's Bushfire Appeal love offering. Hallelujah!
1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 (CEV) ~ "Always be joyful and never stop praying. Whatever happens, keep thanking God because of Jesus Christ. This is what God wants you to do."

Sunday 15 February 2009

A Reliable Supply

This morning I quoted the following words from Joy Webb's composition, A New Dimension.

When you come to the end of yourself, you can touch the beginning of God's love.
When all human agencies have failed, you can touch the beginning of God's love...
No man goes beyond the place, where you can touch the beginning of God's love.

What a fitting reminder! By the sheer grace of God, we are able to tap into an uninterrupted Divine supply that will equip us with all we need to endure. To 'touch the beginning of God's love' is to be plugged in to God's 'eternal life-support'. Are you?

'When we reach the end of our hoarded resources
Our Father's full giving is only begun.'
Annie Johnson Flint

Saturday 14 February 2009

Healesville Bushfire Relief Centre

With the ongoing need for emergency relief support, Healesville is just one of many such centres around Victoria. It is here that dedicated community aid organization volunteers from all support agencies come "face to face" with the growing number of bushfire survivors, and do their best to offer practical, holistic help to meet the multifarious personal needs.

Coordinating the Salvos "heart to God, hand to man" front line mission action is Healesville's Salvo officer, Envoy Graeme Mawson (pictured right). The current responsibility is huge and the daily tasks are ever-growing, but be assured of this: Graeme is God's man for the moment! He is well equipped with Divine resource, and well supported by a team of volunteers with their 'sleeves rolled up' and their 'Christ-like compassion' on public display. To serve alongside Graeme and his team is a personal privilege.

As time goes on, I understand that these local emergency relief centres will (by nature) become recovery centres. Regardless of the designation, these centres are a vital refuge for the 'fire-affected'. A place where practical helps and personal grants are offered in supportive care and with compassionate grace.

Resounding echoes of Ruth 2:13 are evident in every personal contact: "...such grace, such kindness—I don't deserve it. You've touched my heart, treated me like one of your own. And I don't even belong here!"

Wednesday 11 February 2009

Hope From The Heart

My wife and I were humbled this morning to be involved in preparing emergency relief accommodation at The Basin in preparation for 13 fire-affected families, and have just returned from an eight hour shift (4pm-midnight) at the Healesville Relief Centre, where local community organizations - Red Cross, DHS, Centrelink, Police, Medical staff, Shire workers and Salvos - are working cooperatively together to provide much-needed practical support and aid relief.

What amazed us the most was the strong community spirit, evidenced by the numerous incoming donations and the immense generosity of the public. As you would expect at a time of national crisis such as this, community actions were motivated more from a 'heart-perspective' than the often beaurocractic, 'red tape'-type response.

A most poignant memory took place in the hallway of the relief centre, where a teenager dropped by wanting to donate her cherished teddy bear to a needy child. The yellow sticky note attached read "I hope you love him as much as I did. Love A." Moments after receiving the teddy, a mother and father came through the door seeking assistance. The teddy was offered, accepted and handed over with the teenage donor witnessing the personal exchange. Introductions were made, and it was as if a lasting friendship had been forged - all through the bonds of personal generosity and loving support.

The encouragement: Hope always abounds in the midst of hopeless situations.

Psalm 9:18 (NIV) ~ "...the needy will not always be forgotten, nor the hope of the afflicted ever perish."

Sunday 8 February 2009

Victorian Bushfires

Following a week of extreme heat waves and yesterday's 46.4oC record highest temperature, fires continue to rage throughout Victoria wreaking havoc and widespread devastation.

While Victorians watch on in horror and disbelief, contemplating the current death toll of 35 (and rising!) we can't avoid feeling helpless about what we can do to provide much-needed relief and assistance.

At times of tragedy like this, Christians have been known to say, "The least we can do is pray." My own personal faith experience assures me that the MOST we can do is pray. Intercessory prayer coupled with practical assistance will bring the most benefit to all concerned.

Deuteronomy 33:25 (KJV) ~ "As your days, so shall your strength be."

PS. Ironically, the 'Ambassadors of Holiness' sessional song for this afternoon's Cadets Welcome is titled, "Keep the fire burning!"...not, we pray, in a physical sense!

Friday 6 February 2009

Psalms Now

I always enjoy a 'fresh' interpretation of Scripture that makes it come alive in a very personal way. Today I shared Psalm 23, as interpreted below by Leslie F Brandt in his book, Psalms/Now(Concordia, 1973).

The Lord is my constant companion.
There is no need that He cannot fulfill.
Whether His course for me points
To the mountaintops of glorious ecstacy
Or to the valleys of human suffering,
He is by my side,
He is ever present with me.
He is close beside me when I tread the dark streets of danger,
And even when I flirt with death itself,
He will not leave me.
When the pain is severe, He is near to comfort.
When the burden is heavy, He is there to lean upon.
When depression darkens my soul, He touches me with eternal joy.
When I feel empty and alone, He fills the aching vacuum with His power.
My security is in His promise to be near to me always,
And in the knowledge that He will never let me go.

It is my prayer that it may bring you much personal inspiration as you contemplate the truth of this experience for yourself.

Sunday 1 February 2009

Birthday Card Humour

Here's the card that got my #1 vote!

Cindy was not a good singer.
She didn't like singing.
She didn't like choir practice.
She just liked the forgiving nature of the robes.

It's your birthday!
Let's put on robes and have some cake!

Celebration Day

Today has been a Celebration Day in more ways than one. Corporately, we celebrated our Christian faith in a variety of worship settings and each time sensed the grace of God at work in our lives. On a personal note, I enjoyed the opportunity to celebrate a birthday meal with family and friends and give thanks to God for a blessed life thus far.

This evening I was privileged to attend the Waverley Temple Corps' installation of my sister-in-law, Allison Lynn, as their Youth Ministry Assistant. It was another faith-affirming occasion in which to celebrate God at work - this time in the lives of our youth.

Celebration is an essential part of our spiritual DNA. Look around for reasons to celebrate. You'll be glad you did!

Deuteronomy 16:12 (MSG) ~ "You are to celebrate in the Presence of God, your God, all the things you've been able to accomplish."