Thursday 5 July 2007

When Disaster Strikes

Ever had a disaster day when one thing goes wrong after another? Despite our good intentions and desires, daily plans can sometimes go awry. Well, we had one of those days recently.

We were hoping for a smooth transition of vehicles. The car detailer was scheduled and, later the same day, rescheduled only to not turn up at all. So with half an hour to go before changeover, I did a quick self-detailed vacuum and clean in the car port. This done, I pushed the vacuum aside, jumped in the car and headed for the car wash. But not before I ran over the vacuum rod and squashed it to a pulp. Argh! With a rising blood-pressure, I pulled into the car wash and relaxed as I awaited its completion. Halfway through, I turned toward the back for a final inspection and...oh no!...the multi-coloured soap suds were layering the back seat accompanied by a constant stream of water. Aarrgghh! While vacuuming the back seat I had obviously knocked the window handle and lowered it ever so slightly to allow for a rear seat clean too!

They say "All's well that ends well"...and in hindsight I now agree. At the time, it was no laughing matter. Later on, it was all I could do.

Praise God he delivers us and gives grace for all occasions!

Job 5:17 (MSG) ~ "From one disaster after another he delivers you; no matter what the calamity, the evil can't touch you—"