Sunday 1 April 2007

"Amazing God-Man"

This morning we commenced our Easter series, "Jesus Is Amazing!"
A main feature in our worship was a drama presentation entitled "Disturber of the Peace" ~ written by one of our chapel members (Major Win Barker) ~ a modern setting of Jesus' trial before the Sanhedrin.

We then considered Jesus’ statement from Matthew 10:34 ~ “Do not think that I came to bring peace on earth. I did not come to bring peace but a sword”. This verse actually had a direct fulfillment in the fact that He did not come to this earth to physically deliver the nation of Israel nor any other nation from oppression, slavery and bondage of another nation.
Jesus’ statement merely reflected the mission of His earthly ministry ~ the spiritual deliverance of all people to new life with God (“...ransomed, healed, restored, forgiven”). His intention was never to bring peace 'on earth' but rather to bring peace 'in earth' ~ through you and I!
Jesus' statement also reflected the nature of His own relationship with God as the Promised Messiah and Amazing Incarnate (“God-man”). An old SA chorus says it well.
He’s the Christ of the human road
And He offers to carry your load
He is walking your way
Every night, every day
This Christ of the human road
He is human and yet so divine
And he knows your heart’s sorrow and mine
In all times of need, He’s a true Friend indeed
This Christ of the human road.
Now that's something amazing to celebrate!