Wednesday, 19 September 2007

Random Recall

One of the many "God moments" in aged care chaplaincy ministry is being present to celebrate the random moments of memory recall that occur from time to time as we seek to connect on both a personal and spiritual level with our dementia residents.

Today it was our personal privilege to share again in one such grace-filled, heart-inspiring and soul-rewarding occasion. It was as though a light had suddenly been switched on in a dark and lonely room and for a brief but beautiful period, the mind was alert and active and the heart burst out in vocal praise to God with recall of hymns sung years ago. The very presence of God Himself was evident in every harmonious note of praise, in addition to being written on the faces of all who looked on with joyful delight.

Moments such as these inspire and motivate God's servants, like none other, to continue ministering faithfully and foster a deep assurance of hope and purpose when the daily routines seem predictable and mundane. For it's then that we are caused to recall the greatness and graciousness of God in making us all "more than conquerors through Christ who loves us" (Rom 8:37). Hallelujah!

2 Timothy 1:5 (MSG) ~ "That precious memory triggers another: your honest faith ~ and what a rich faith it is..."