Wednesday 22 August 2007

One Size Fits All?

Generally speaking, I'm not a supporter of the "one size fits all" concept. Personal life and ministry experience over the years has been instrumental in teaching that when it comes to clothing, ideas, values, strategies, opinions and the like, "one size rarely fits all". Despite being a rather convenient label, "one size fits all" doesn't take into consideration the diversity that exists in many forms of life. It is simply not practical to try to apply a blanket approach in our dealings with others when we consider the diversity that exists. Doing so, may result in many feeling excluded rather than included.

On the other hand, I am convinced that God certainly knew what He was doing when He created us with our diverse uniqueness. And He certainly knew what He was doing when He sent Jesus to demonstrate His all-inclusive Love to the world. Spiritually speaking, the "one size fits all" concept of God's Love sits well with me. I have every confidence that God has the ability to meet everyone's needs in all circumstances of life on the condition that we exercise our free wills to choose faith in Christ, trust in His promises and continue to pursue His will.

2 Corinthians 5:14 (MSG) ~ "Our firm decision is to work from this focused center: One man died for everyone. That puts everyone in the same boat. He included everyone in his death so that everyone could also be included in his life, a resurrection life, a far better life than people ever lived on their own."