Thursday 31 May 2007

The Key To Kingdom Connection

I was very impressed in reading a paper entitled Have we forgotten someone?, written by Cadet (now captain) Nancy Braye, who recently graduated from the College For Officer Training in Winnipeg, Canada. The newly commissioned officer writes about the issues facing the elderly and how the church should meet their needs in terms of worship.

Click the link below to read the paper for yourself.

In her conclusion, Nancy writes...
"the senior adult, in many times, is being forgotten in our expression of worship. We are a culture that is focusing on our future and on our younger generation. However, knowing and understanding the psychological and spiritual aspects of aging can help us as worship leaders to engage an older generation. “God has purposes for all his creation. His promises are not limited by age. One does not retire from belonging to Him”.

Hallelujah! "Kingdom Connection" is surely about engaging people of all ages ~ for all are important. Our (aged care) Chapel mission statement is both generic and specific.

Wednesday 30 May 2007

Penberthy's Concertina

One of the Army's great historical researchers, Lieut-Colonel John Kirkham, provided me with this most interesting extract from the September 1932 edition of "The Victory" publication.
The article entitled "My Concertina And I" was written by Major A S Penberthy (Melbourne Central Division).

It is nineteen years since first we met, my concertina and I. Our friendship has gradually developed into a real love, and for years we have been inseparable friends. We have travelled thousands of miles together and have taken part in innumerable meetings, seen the sunshine and shadows, smiles and tears, and my faithful friend has never failed me.

We were giving an imitation of the bagpipes in a programme in a town in Tasmania. I was rather rough on my good friend and I broke the key of the bottom G. There was no one in that town who could repair the damage. I needed the concertina for the weekend meetings, so I turned doctor myself. I repaired it with a piece of a man’s leg. “Would you mind giving me a piece of your leg?”, I asked a soldier of the corps. He was very self-sacrificing. “How much do you want?”, he asked. “Oh, about an inch will do”, I said. So he cut off the required amount, and I did the rest. Needless to say it was a wooden leg, made of Tasmanian Blackwood. That bit of leg is still there.

Sometimes the shadows have fallen and the music has been in a minor key. A young woman, who had often heard and loved the music of my concertina, lay dying in a country town. She asked, “Will you come to my funeral, and after they have lowered me into the grave, play 'Abide with me' on your concertina?"

My concertina is quite a preacher. We went on one occasion to the Fremantle long-sentence prison with the Perth Fortress Band for the Christmas programme. I played the grand old air “The Rosary”. The men loved it. I asked “Jim” to sing “Just as I am without one plea” to the tune of “The Rosary”. The men were very moved. That was probably the greatest sermon they had heard.

I don’t know what I would do without my concertina. When the Great Master Musician asks what instrument I would like to play in the Grand Orchestra of the Skies, I will say “My Concertina”.
Wonderful instrument! ~ beautiful on earth ~ good enough for Heaven!

Tuesday 29 May 2007

Jehovah-Jireh, Grace Provider

"Jehovah-Jireh, my Provider, His grace is sufficient for me". Exactly how this truth was proved in the lives of countless people around the world today will never really be known. But we can very sure that it did, ringing loud and clear with hope, healing and wholeness.

Such was the case this morning in the lives of the family members and friends who met to give thanks to God for the life of their loved one now experiencing the promised eternal glory. Again, in the life of a dear friend who shared a concern with God and received an answer to that particular prayer a few hours later. And yet again, as I offered counsel to someone in a difficult and emotional personal situation.

From Mount Moriah to Mount Calvary and beyond, Jehovah-Jireh provides always. Songwriter John Newton penned this truth in his much loved hymn ~ "Amazing grace! how sweet the sound... Grace has brought me safe thus far and grace will lead me home"

Genesis 22:14 (NIV) ~ "So Abraham called that place The LORD Will Provide. And to this day it is said, "On the mountain of the LORD it will be provided."

Monday 28 May 2007

Plan To Get Connected

I was interested to read information about the upcoming territorial Connections 07 events planned for 23-25 November. Salvationists and the extended SA community are invited to participate in a variety of Connection events:

Community Conference
Welcome Rally to The General and Commissioner Clifton

Community Social Justice Parade
Community Rally

Ordination and Commissioning with Commitment Service
Lunch and Musical Connections
Appointments and Sending Out

Plan to get connected and share in God's blessing this coming November!

Keep updated by checking out this information website ~

Sunday 27 May 2007

Happy Birthday Church!

How were your Birthday celebrations on this Pentecost Sunday?
Our worship was Spirit-filled and joyous as we gathered together under the ministry of Majors Alan R and Val Laurens.

We celebrated God's gifts to every believer, to His Church here on earth.
God's Spirit-gift of tongues ~ displaying the "language of Love"
God's Spirit-gift of hearing ~ obedience to His Divine daily guidance
God's Spirit-gift of grace ~ the empowerment of His all-sufficiency

The choir blessed reminded us on His Provision through the vocal prayer "Holy Spirit, promised Presence fall on me." As a community of believers, we pleaded in song, "Holy Spirit, dwell within me."

Holy Spirit, dwell within me! Life of Christ reflecting;
Daily growing in His likeness, Word of God correcting
All my actions, thoughts and words, all my life effecting.
Holy Spirit, dwell within me! Life of Christ reflecting.

Holy Spirit, will you fill me with your gifts and graces?
Search my soul and recreate its barren desert places;
May my life to those I meet be a sweet oasis.
Holy Spirit, will you fill me with your gifts and graces?

Holy Spirit, will you use me for my Saviour’s glory?
Make my life a truthful witness to the Gospel story;
Christ, the greatest, I the least! I’ll lift Him high before me!
Holy Spirit, will you use me for my Saviour’s glory?
words and music by Howard Davies ~ tune: Laurens

Titus 3:5-7 (MSG) ~ "He gave us a good bath, and we came out of it new people, washed inside and out by the Holy Spirit. Our Saviour Jesus poured out new life so generously. God's gift has restored our relationship with him and given us back our lives. And there's more life to come—an eternity of life! You can count on this."

Friday 25 May 2007

Chinese Connection

Music crosses all boundaries. When verbal language is sometimes hard to understand, music seems to convey a music that is understood by all. Though not personally familiar with the tunes, the dance moves or the Chinese instruments used, I appreciated the musicians and their skilled performances.

At tonight's SA Historical Society Chinese Connection event, Commissioner Wesley Harris reminded us that "spirituality transcends nationality". The language of love is always understood when actively expressed. It is also the basic need of people the world over.

I came away from this most informative evening greatly encouraged by past Army pioneers of Chinese ministry in Australia and China, inspired by the current stories of courageous evangelism and outreach that enable faithful servants to share God's love without discrimination and blessed by witnessing the commitment of God's people to continue living the mission on into the future. Praise God for effective ministry amongst Chinese speaking people in these days!

Pray with me for God's richest blessing upon our community ministries in Box Hill, Mitcham, Richmond, Springvale and Waverley and the dedicated officer personnel leading them.

Luke 13:29 (NIV) ~ "People will come from east and west and north and south, and will take their places at the feast in the kingdom of God."

Wednesday 23 May 2007

Johnny Be Good

Here is a great inspirational story about Johnny, "the supermarket bag boy, who wanted so badly to make a difference that he refused to let his limitations stop him. If you are not familiar with Johnny's story of how he made an incredible impact on his world by doing what he could, I am delighted to provide an introduction. It is a beautiful story of hope and purpose and one worthy of being told again and again."

Click this link to the movie ~ and be blessed and inspired!

Romans 15:2 (NIV) ~ "Each of us should please his neighbour for his good, to build him up."

Tuesday 22 May 2007

Brain-washed? No way!

While manning a Red Shield collection point earlier today, I gave a welcoming smile to a donor who slammed me with a unwelcomed comment ~ "You Christians are brain-washed. There's no doubt about it!" Of course, this opened up a lively discussion where I defended my own personal faith to the hilt without making accusatory judgements of my opponent's point of view. To the best of my ability, I explained that faith to me is a matter of the heart and not purely the mind. The faith beliefs I hold dear are a matter of personal choice not forced coercion.

I believe that the Holy Spirit convicts, not coerces. The final choice is ours to make. Faith is not only a decision of the mind, but an action of the heart.

The final result was that we both agreed to disagree. But of this I'm sure ~ I left very much confident that God's way is always the best for me. His will aligns with mine.

Hebrews 11:1 (NASB) ~ "Now faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen."

Monday 21 May 2007

Historical Society Interactive

An exciting, interactive multicultural ministry experience.

Plan to be there and experience our rich Army heritage come alive from the pages of our history books!

Isaiah 46:8 (MSG) ~ "Remember your history, your long and rich history. I am God, the only God you've had or ever will have ~ incomparable, irreplaceable ~ from the very beginning telling you what the ending will be..."

Sunday 20 May 2007

We're All In This Together

What a great day of ecumenical worship and community interaction through the Red Shield Appeal door knock! Unity celebrated corporately in two different ways ~ in Word and in deed. Faith expressed corporately in God and publicly in the Army's ongoing ministry of Love in Action.

Local Anglican vicar, Reverend Michael Goodluck, visited the Inala Chapel today and led our multi-denominational congregation in a meaningful time of reflective worship for our quarterly Ecumenical Communion Service. Using Paul's advice to Titus (chapter 2), we were inspired to keep on living lives of spiritual integrity based on sound doctrine, so that "so that in every way [we] will make the teaching about God our Saviour attractive" (v10).

A team of dedicated "senior active" volunteers from the Chapel then took to the streets in Blackburn South to assist with this year's RSA fundraising effort and were encouraged by the level of community support expressed through their faith-giving. A common response to my words of introduction was "Yes. We were expecting you!" I like that. It's good to be valued and appreciated by the public. Our challenge is to make sure that we are living up to their expectations of us in assisting the needy through our ministry of Love In Action.

This year's RSA catch-phrase sums today up well: "We're all in this together!"

Ecclesiastes 10:19 (MSG) ~ "Laughter and bread go together, and wine gives sparkle to life ~ but it's money that makes the world go around."

Friday 18 May 2007

Impatient Patience

"Yes, come in right away. We'll slot you in as a 'Next available appointment' patient. Current waiting time is about 30mins." Well, about 2 hours later we entered the doctor's consulting room very much relieved to be seen and yet still very annoyed at the wait we had to endure. I suppose you could say that, on this occasion, we were impatient patients.

On arriving home, I picked up my devotional book and read these words from a poem entitled "Some Sample!"

I'm not a first-class sample, Lord, it true,
Of what your all-transforming grace can do!
No 'specimen' to hold up for inspection,
No 'evidence' of Spirit-wrought perfection!

My faith is sometimes flawed, my trust in tatters,
But still you hope for me, that's all that matters.

I'm not much of a sample, it's the truth,
But of your patience I'm the living proof!
John Gowans

What a sobering thought! Praise God, He is always patient and forgiving toward us regardless of the circumstances...and if He, why not us?

Thursday 17 May 2007

Global Pollution Solution

All over the world people are becoming more and more concerned with finding a solution to global environmental pollution, and rightly so. However, as important as it is, this posting is not intended as a means of discussing environmental pollution, but rather another vital kind of global pollution ~ sin. The global pollution of the heart.

Interestingly, my wife and I are CFCs [Crusaders For Christ]. From the moment we entered TSA training college in 1993 it became a standard joke for the second year session of cadets (and many others since!) to point out that we were "harmful to the environment". We always took it as a compliment for we were, and are, confident that as Crusaders For Christ we are called to minister healing, wholeness and hope to people in this sin-polluted world. And if to minister this message in such a world means we are considered "harmful" to the status quo then so be it. We are privileged to stand for Christ, here and now.

Jesus Christ is the Son of God. He is the righteous One who justifies. By His merit He forgives all our sins. By His righteousness He clothes us. He is indeed the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world (ref. John 1:29). He has taken away all our sins ~ past, present and future ~ and provided complete cleansing.

Here's a noteworthy quote from tonight's choir devotions ~ "God is the solution to sin's pollution".

Zechariah 3:5 (NIV) ~ "See, I have taken away your sin, and I will put rich garments on you."

Wednesday 16 May 2007

Heavenly Symphony

Well, I had something completely different in mind to share today until I spotted the Bible verse of the day referenced on my blogsite ~ Zephaniah 3:17. Twice in as many days, this verse has been placed before me. So I feel compelled to put my own thoughts on the backburner and proceed with a few reflections based on these inspired words taken from the New Life Version.

"The Lord your God is with you,
a Powerful One who wins the battle.
He will have much joy over you.
With His love He will give you new life.
He will have joy over you with loud singing."

Present... Powerful... Pleasureful... Productive... Master Performer ~ what a Heavenly Symphony rings within us as we consider the varied ways God delights to respond in the lives of His people!

A symphony is an extended composition that usually contains four movements. Consider then, that a Heavenly Symphony is God's eternal work of grace in us as we journey through the four Seasons ~ summer, autumn, winter and spring ~ of Life. Music inspires people in many different ways and often our favourites vary depending on our circumstances of life. For the moment, God's melody of healing and hope is the song we personally need to hear. Praise God, the chords are ringing in our hearts with positive victory and strong faith knowing that He is more than able.

In what movement of God's Heavenly Symphony is the Holy Spirit performing in your life today? What great work is He accomplishing that rings out with holy delight?

Tuesday 15 May 2007

Prepare To Celebrate!

Thanks to Retired General John Gowans, over the last fortnight I've been reflecting daily on the need to adequately prepare for Pentecost, both personally and corporately as a worshipping community.

His introductory comments have been resounding in my heart and mind with a word of challenge this week.

" If [Pentecost] is the celebration of the birthday of the Christian Church, it is only hesitantly marked as such in some places. Where are the iced cakes, multicoloured balloons and the dancing up the aisles? Should we not be putting out more flags? ...let's give our attention to the Holy Spirit, giving him the place in our lives he deserves, and thanking him for his constant care of each of us."
(Words of Life ~ May-August 2007 edition, page 1)

The gift of God's Holy Spirit presence within our lives is really something for believers to celebrate. I'm not so sure about 'dancing up the aisles', but I can cope with the 'iced cakes and multlicoloured balloons'. Of this I'm certain though, my heart is dancing with holy joy and faith excitement at all God continues to do in and through the lives of His people!

Yes, let's give our attention to the Holy Spirit! Let's devote Him the treasured part of our lives he deserves! And let's thank Him for the constant oversight and spiritual insight He brings. Then we will truly be 'prepared to celebrate' and lift His Banner of Love high for others to see and celebrate for themselves.

Monday 14 May 2007

Melbourne Staff Songsters

Judges 5:3 (NIV) ~ "I will sing to the LORD, I will sing; I will make music to the LORD, the God of Israel."

Tonight in the THQ Chapel, I enjoyed a musical journey down memory lane. The occasion was to celebrate the 20th anniversary the Melbourne Staff Songsters ministry. As a former MSS member it was a privilege to share in fellowship and music-making with this unique vocal group.

Past songster leaders, Owen Harris and Rod Reeve, joined with Staff Songster Leader Brian Hogg in conducting choice songs enabling us to give God the glory during tonight's rehearsal before Commissioner Jim Knaggs (TC) brought this worthwhile celebration evening to a conclusion with a challenging devotional thought from Zephaniah 3 verse 17. Also gracing the occasion were former executive officers who have all contrubuted significantly to MSS ministry.

The MSS has an important and effective vocal ministry throughout the territory and beyond. While it may have been a trip down "Memory Lane" (for past members!), praise God, it continues to be an exciting journey down Ministry Lane for present MSS members.

The Melbourne Staff Songsters (MSS) is a Salvation Army gospel choir that exists to communicate the love of God and invite listeners to respond to Jesus Christ.

AMEN ~ let it be, Lord!
Check out their website ~

Sunday 13 May 2007

Majoring In Mothers

Mothers Day is an opportunity to celebrate the gift of God's love corporately in worship and, in person, with those that we love. This was our privilege today as we paid tribute to the love of our physical mothers that reflects in a special way the unique, unconditional and unending love of God toward us each.
Our Divisional Spiritual Parents, Majors Ron and Robyn Clinch, led us in a God-honouring time of worship. We love their "down to earth", inspiring leadership and greatly value their personal interest in our mature aged community of believers.

Of course, it was a bonus to have our own parents, Des and Viv Lynn, present for this special occasion. A Mother's love is both vital and inspirational, especially when it is flows from the heart of the Father.
Happy Mother's Day, Mum! You're truly an inspiration to us.

1 John 4:19 (MSG) ~ "We, though, are going to love — love and be loved. First we were loved, now we love. He loved us first."

Friday 11 May 2007

International Nurses Day

Tomorrow, 12 May ~ the anniversary of Florence Nightingale's birthday ~ is designated International Nurses Day.

Having spent the majority of our time today visiting people in hospitals, I have observed firsthand the quality of care that nurses provide. That same dedicated nursing care is also evident in the nursing homes and hostels where we minister each week.
My Aunty Denise is a competent nurse, as are many friends of ours who have dedicated their lives to this important field of care, and I'm convinced that they need to be celebrated and acknowledged.

Regardless of their type of practice, work setting or country, nurses share a defining attribute: they are committed professionals who embrace a holistic philosophy of care.

Thanks be to God for dedicated nurses worldwide!

Jeremiah 15:15 (NIV) ~ "You understand, O LORD; remember me and care for me."

Thursday 10 May 2007

Graduating The University Of Life

In the ranks of the dear old Army
'Neath the yellow. red and blue
There's a place for every warrior
If to Jesus you'll be true.
Your reward will be a grand one
In the sweet, sweet by and by
There's a place for every warrior
Why don't you try? Why don't you try? (SACS 236)

Emblazoned with the words "Promoted To Glory", the Salvation Army flag adorning the coffin boldly proclaimed the hope of eternity. As we celebrated together the promised reward of a faithful Christian servant, we were reminded that this Child of God wrote a Thesis of Love by her words and actions as she graduated the University of Life. 'Accepted without corrections' in the sight of her Lord and Saviour, as promised in John 14.

TSA flag speaks of Salvation, Holiness and Holy Spirit Power ~ all necessary to prepare us for eternal life and our heavenly reward. These are the spiritual hallmarks to live for. These, too, provide believers an assurance of the hope of Heaven here on earth.

John 14:1-3 (MSG) ~ "You trust God, don't you? Trust me. There is plenty of room for you in my Father's home. If that weren't so, would I have told you that I'm on my way to get a room ready for you? And if I'm on my way to get your room ready, I'll come back and get you so you can live where I live."

Wednesday 9 May 2007

Universal Welcome

Aged care chaplaincy ministry certainly has its rewards. None more so than when you connect momentarily with a person who is experiencing the debilitating effects of dementia. Today's simple handshake and the offer of a smile following our mid-week church service led one of our non-Salvo residents to recall a time long ago in their experience when a uniformed Salvo provided them a welcomed reception and some much-needed assistance.
Though our encounter lasted no more than 5 minutes, it clearly had a profound effect on both of us ~ he in his personal remembrance and I for the opportunity of focussed conversation.

One thing he said still echoes in my mind ~ "No matter where you go in the world, Salvationism is there, without fail and without discrimination, to welcome people. When I travelled the world as a seaman, I always went to worship at The Salvation Army on a Sunday, because I knew for sure that there would be a universal welcome."

In moments like these, I'm certainly proud to be called a Salvationist, but even more so, to be called a Child of God!

2 Chronicles 30:9 (MSG) ~ "Your God is gracious and kind and won't snub you ~ come back and he'll welcome you with open arms."

Tuesday 8 May 2007

"I've Been Restored!" said my tooth!
Having spent a while reclined in the dentist's chair today, it was made quite clear that restorations and rescues are often costly matters. But the truth is that they are also necessary.
While reclining in the dentist's chair listening to the orchestrated sounds of dental drills, air suctions and water sprays, I found myself recalling the words of Henry Francis Lyte ~ "...ransomed, healed, restored..." ~ and, after informing my wife of the invoice amount, hopefully "...forgiven" too!

Spiritually-speaking, we are all in need of being rescued from sin and restored to wholeness of life. This is only achieved through God's redemptive plan of saving grace in Jesus. And this too was a costly matter. Ironically, it is still God's free gift to mankind providing we believe whole-heartedly that Jesus has indeed set us free. Free to open ourselves up to the restorative work of His Holy Spirit from the inside out. God's Word is trustworthy and reliable, every time!

Proverbs 25:19 (NLT) ~"Putting confidence in an unreliable person in times of trouble is like chewing with a broken tooth..."

Monday 7 May 2007

International Intercession

Intercession has been described as "holy, believing, persevering prayer made by one who pleads with God on behalf of another who desperately needs God's intervention". And how we all need the intervention of God in our lives ~ bringing healing, wholeness and holiness!

Jesus is the model Intercessor. He stands before God and pleads on behalf of sinful man that we may each personally experience the reality of God's daily grace. Intercession is a scriptural command with a delightfully rewarding outcome for not only the intercessee, but also for the intercessor.

Here's an intercessory benediction prayed by members of The Salvation Army Australia Southern Territory's World Mission Fellowship at the close of our monthly meetings.

As o'er each land the sun doth set
With glorious gold and amber bright
Our prayer ascends to you our Lord
For all who serve you through this night.
Give grace and strength, protective care
To all who serve you everywhere.
All praise and glory, Heavenly host
God Father, Son and Holy Ghost.
(Major Alan R Laurens)

Will you earnestly join us in this intercession? Prayer knows no boundaries ~ God's presence and power abounds always and everywhere. Praise be to Him!

1 Timothy 2:1 (MSG) ~ "I urge, then, first of all, that requests, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for everyone."

Sunday 6 May 2007

Pursuing A Christian Mind

I’m sure you've heard the saying, or perhaps even used the phrase, “You’re out of your mind!”. Though this often used as a critical comment, it could perhaps be viewed as a Christian compliment. Let me explain. When Christians follow God’s will for their lives, it could be said that we are “out of our [human] minds” as we seek to be obedient to the mind of Christ.

Here’s another saying ~ “Out of sight, out of mind”. This represents the idea that something is easily forgotten or dismissed as unimportant if it is not in our direct view. But how is this understood from a Christian perspective? The Bible teaches in 2 Corinthians 4:18 ~ “..we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen. For what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal." Consider then, that if “out of sight’ means ‘unseen’ and therefore, eternal in concept, then it could possibly be said that Christians focus on the ‘out of sight’ ~ unseen and eternal ~ in order to experience the ‘mind of Christ’. In this sense, we are theoretically, ‘out of (human) mind’ as we focus on the spiritual hope we possess in Christ.

Lord, fill us with Your Spirit as we seek to pursue a Christlike mind that reflects Christlike actions.

Philippians 2:5a (NKJV) ~ "Let this mind be in you which was also in Christ Jesus."

Friday 4 May 2007

Positive, Supportive Influence

Aged care chaplaincy ministry is delightful and rewarding, yet it can also be challenging and confronting. Dealing with loss is an intergenerational experience, but one that seems to be more pronounced as one approaches their senior citizen years. I'm not simply talking about loss associated with death. There's also the loss of personal autonomy and physical independence associated with the aging process, to name but a few.

Experience is a great teacher and I've come to realize that what matters most is not what happens to us, but how we are supported through those times. Often we can't change a person's circumstances, but we do have the ability to affect their outlook of the situation and assist them to find hope in the process.

What are you doing to influence others? More importantly, what is God asking you to do as you seek to be a positive, supportive influence where He has placed you?

Leviticus 19:32 (MSG) ~ "Show respect to the aged; honor the presence of an elder; fear your God. I am God."

Thursday 3 May 2007

Words Of Life

Retired General John Gowans is the new author of The Salvation Army's devotional publication, Words of Life.

As expected, his daily messages have been outstanding ~ jam-packed full of encouragement and practical inspiration. John Gowans has a unique gift of being able to express Divine thoughts in a "down-to-earth" manner, enabling his readers to personally relate infinite and eternal spiritual truths to our human finite and often imperfect ways.

Why not get a copy and immerse yourself in God's "life-giving, life-nourishing" words? You'll be glad you did!

Isaiah 55:1 (MSG) ~ "Pay attention, listen carefully to my life-giving, life-nourishing words. I'm making a lasting covenant commitment with you, the same that I made with David: sure, solid, enduring love."

Wednesday 2 May 2007

Consider Him

Prior to leaving my office today, I focussed on a wall plaque bearing the words of Hebrews 12:3 from the King James version.
"Consider him...lest ye be wearied and faint in your minds."

This scriptural exhortation was valuable many times throughout the day today. It brought a reassuring peace when comfort was needed. A renewing spiritual energy when moments of ministry seemed to be an uphill battle. More than this, it proved to be a sure personal encouragement when hope was not on the horizon.

Try it and you'll see. Consider God...and experience His boundless grace. Consider
Jesus...and be blessed. Consider the Holy Spirit...and be empowered for the everyday!

SASB 579 (verse 2) ~
When we have exhausted our store of endurance,
When our strength has failed e'er the day is half done.
When we've reached the end of our hoarded resources
Our Father's full giving is only begun.
Annie Johnson Flint

Tuesday 1 May 2007

Age Is No Barrier To Inspiration

92 year old, Clarice Artis ~ started swimming at 75 ~ Australian swimming champion ~ swims 32 laps daily. I'm sure you can imagine the inspiration we received as Clarice shared with us about her personal experiences of overcoming the odds and "giving it a go" without letting the excuses get in the way.

Physical fitness is necessary for optimal physical well being, just as spiritual fitness benefits the soul. The Bible, too, acknowledges that while physical exercise is important, spiritual exercise is more valuable. How's your daily exercise routine? What type of workout do you need to do?

Remember, "Don't put off until tomorrow, what can be done today."
Now I'm heading off for a walk...

1 Timothy 4:6 (MSG) ~ "Workouts in the gymnasium are useful, but a disciplined life in God is far more so, making you fit both today and forever. You can count on this. Take it to heart."