Monday 22 June 2009

Melbourne - In All Its Glory!

Though I'm a born and bred Victorian, I've never really spent very much time in the City! However, I recently braved the traffic (and budget!) conditions and took my darling wife into the heart of the CBD for a weekend at the Crown Promenade Hotel.

They say, "a picture speaks a thousand words" here's my pictorial essay!

Sunday 7 June 2009

Visit to Launceston

When God is glorified, praise abounds!

Well, this was certainly the case over the course of this weekend, as the Melbourne Staff Songsters visited Launceston Corps (Captains Christine & Ric Ellis).

A large part of Saturday was given to conducting a Vocal Workshop, followed by a feast of musical praise in a concert supported by vocal, instrumental and timbrel groups comprising Salvo sections and a local community ensemble from Launceston Church Grammar School - The Fellas.

Sunday's day of worship included a most reflective and challenging holiness meeting based on the importance of communicating with God in all aspects of our lives, as well as a lively Pleasant Sunday afternoon concert, featuring the famed "Massed Singers".

Opportunities for fellowship were many and varied, in particular a hearty homecooked meal at the home of Majors Tyson.

As people 'blessed of God' we are always privileged to have so much to give thanks for!