Sunday 1 August 2010

One Of Life's Certainties

Our circumstances and experiences of life are not always predictable. And neither are they always fair. One day is momentously memorable and the next is terribly tragic. We constantly ride a roller coaster of emotion and response, reacting to all that takes place around us in our everyday routines.

However, despite life's many uncertainties, one thing alway inspires me to hope - to look for a better outcome - a new possibility. That certainty is my faith in God. My personal belief and knowledge that assures me that there is a 'Greater Divine Being' in control. Not necessarily to
fix and mend', but to suppport and strengthen me. For I am certain that my Great God is powerfully present in my every circumstance and situation - intimately involved by equipping me with His 'more than sufficent' grace for my every need.

During this morning's worship, the band shared a message that encouraged my heart and inspired me to 'go deeper with God'. Here are the words:

"I can think of Him in my happy hours, when my heart is gay, glad my way;
Knowing He walks with me, I can always think of Him.

I can think of Him in prayer, for I know He will be there;
In my brightest day or my darkest way, I can think of Him in prayer.

I can think of Him in my darkest hours, when I cannot see what will be;
And despair stifles prayer. I can always think of Him."
Joy Webb