Sunday 5 December 2010

Holy Is His Name

"He who is mighty has done great things for me, and holy is His name." (Luke 1:49)

We must never forget that when we celebrate Christmas - Christ and His birth - we are celebrating the God of heaven and earth.

Some may not submit to His lordship, but that don't change the fact that the Father has given His Son. Jesus is Lord whether recognized or not, and He longs to be Lord of your life. He is holy and wants us to be wholly His!

Today is the Ordination and Commissioning service of the Ambassadors Of Holiness session in Melbourne. They each have submitted to the lordship of Christ and have personally chosen to serve their holy God in full time ministry as Salvation Army Officers. Today we meet together to formally recognize that they are "blessed to be a blessing", having given Christ central place in their lives.

The Good News is that our Holy God reaches out to us longing to personally bless us abundantly. He wants us to give Christ His rightful place in our lives, so we can be fully blessed. As Christ's followers, we can all be worthy Ambassadors of God's Holiness.

Friday 3 December 2010

Immanuel - God with us

"Behold, the virgin shall conceive and bear a Son, and shall call His name Immanuel." (Isaiah 7:14)

The Christmas season is eagerly anticipated by some and completely loathed by others. And while it is a time to celebrate hope and joy, many find Christmas a time of increased loneliness and isolation despite the seasonal "hustle and bustle".

Christmas is God's reminder that we are not alone. Immanuel - GOD with us! For God revealed in the life, death and resurrection of Jesus a reconciling love that rescues us from separation and isolation. We are not alone; God has come down from Heaven personally to tell us He loves us!

This Christmas season you can be personally assured that Jesus Christ is here. He is here to give hope, forgive sins, bring joy, impart faith and heal spiritual wounds. All you need is to welcome Christ into your life. Accept God's personal gift of love, joy, peace and hope - and know His Presence with you...every step of the way!

Monday 29 November 2010

TRANSIENT - A Timely Reminder!

It's happened yet again! I have no work space to call my own.

Please don't get me wrong. I'm not complaining! I'm merely reflecting upon my personal circumstances and praising God for the opportunity to move around and minister freely. Ministry without walls is indeed a blessing! A wise chaplain colleague once advised me to always remember that chaplaincy at its best and most effective is Incarnational in nature. Being 'the visible presence of the invisible Christ' - on the front lines!

In this day and age of information technology, it is too easy to stake claim to a desk and computer and find that we are, more often than not, connecting with others 'virtually', instead of virtually connecting with others. Think about it! I much prefer the personal approach when it comes to building relationships and ministry style. So, the experience of finding one's self as a transient desk dweller is not negative. In fact, it's a personal challenge to "keep the main thing the main thing"!

Then again, it's also a timely reminder! Jesus came to earth to carry out His divine mission and ministry of reconciliation 'without walls'. As God's Ambassador He moved about freely and made an impact as He encountered people right where they were, and in just the way they needed. Jesus was a missional nomad with a intimately personal ministry!

Commissioner George Scott Railton was inspired by this theme - and indeed the words of Jesus, "Foxes have holes and birds have nests; but the Son of Man has no where to lay down his head and rest" - when he wrote these words:

No home on earth have I,
No nation owns my soul,
My dwelling place is the Most High,
I'm under his control.
O'er all the earth alike,
My Father's grand domain,
Each land and sea with him alike
O'er all he yet shall reign.

No place on earth I own,
No field, no house be mine;
Myself, my all I still disown,
My God, let all be thine.
Into thy gracious hands
My life is ever placed;
To die fulfilling thy commands,
I march with bounding haste.

With thee, my God, is home;
With thee is endless joy;
With thee in ceaseless rest I roam;
With thee, can death destroy?
With thee, the east, the west,
The north, the south are one;
The battle's front I love the best,
And yet: thy will be done.

George Scott Railton (1849-1913)

Sunday 28 November 2010

Here Is Love

Today is the first Sunday in Advent. Even though we didn't focus on it particularly during worship at Camberwell this morning, we did focus on Advent-related themes - GRACE and LOVE. Concluding a 10-week preaching series entitled "Ten Faces Of Grace", Major Brian Pratt (CO) addressed ways in which we, as Christians, can live out grace everyday.

I was deeply challenged by the words of our final song. Inspired words, written by William Rees, that I have never encountered before. Words that reminded me of the central focus of Advent - "God moving into our neighborhood" (as Eugene Petersen so succinctly phrases it!)

HERE IS LOVE [words: William Rees]

Here is love vast as the ocean, loving kindness as the flood.
When the Prince of Life, our Ransom, shed for us His precious blood.
Who His love will not remember?
Who can cease His praise to sing?
He can never be forgotten, throughout heaven's eternal days.

On the mount of crucifixion fountains opened deep and wide;
Through the floodgates of God's mercy flowed a vast and gracious tide.
GRACE AND LOVE, like mighty rivers, poured incessant from above,

Through Jesus Christ, God indeed moved into our neighborhood with a personal measure of His grace, love, peace and joy for us all.

JOHN 1:14 ~ "So the Word became human and made his home among us. He was full of unfailing love and faithfulness. And we have seen his glory, the glory of the Father’s one and only Son." (NLT)

Wednesday 29 September 2010

MSS UK Tour (Cradley Heath, North Shields, Southwick)

Here's the next update...a link to the official MSS UK blog site!

Time is precious, so thought that I'd be resourceful in preference to being creative. Just arrived in Bonnie Scotland, awaiting the commencement of our ceilidh.

Monday 27 September 2010

MSS - UK Tour (Felixstowe - Peterborough)

On Thursday 16 September, I departed Melbourne with the Melbourne Staff Songsters (MSS) for their UK Tour. An (un)eventful departure to London via Hong Kong saw us arrive at sunny Heathrow some 23 hours later - ready, but not quite refreshed, for our first weekend in Felixstowe.

The group was warmly received and made to feel at home from the moment we arrived. Our billets were fantastic, which made the experience so much more enjoyable. The MSS sang at an Open Air in the mall, attended a Civic Reception hosted by the Mayor and then enjoyed giving an evening concert with a difference! Sundays worship services were a memorable time to connect both with God and the local corps folk.

Moving onto Norwich, we enjoyed sightseeing the town prior to sharing lunch at the local corps. We then gave a mini concert to senior citizens featuring some Australian folk songs, such as "Waltzing Matilda" and "Tie me kangaroo down". Boarding the coach again, we then made our way to Sheringham, where we setup for our evening concert at St Peter's Church. The opportunity to wander around hid delightful seaside town was appreciated, as was the fresh fish and chip dinner provided by one of the local Salvationist fish shop owners. As was our routine, the Saturday night concert was given to a packed audience - though this occasion was made more memorable by the collapsing keyboard and one very persistent pianist!

The next day we journeyed to Peterborough, a place that had literally bathed our visit in prayer! I had the opportunity to meet with the Msyor and local councillors at a reception before the evening's concert, and thoroughly enjoyed staying at the Bright household following. Though too short, our stay was most memorable in every way.

Stayed tuned for the next update...

Friday 10 September 2010

The Reward Of Ministry

Everyday ministry doesn't often "bear fruit" right before our eyes. The time and energy we invest in the lives of others hoping, praying and working toward their betterment is, more often than not, a matter of "sow now, reap later". How much more blessed we are, then, to be able to see the change and transformation take place as we journey together with others!

Over the past 10 weeks, I've been privileged to share the personal "Positive Lifestyle" journey with a guy who has committed himself wholeheartedly to work toward intentional change for his own betterment. It's been an exciting and challenging time! It's been a time of self discovery and searching for better outcomes! It's been a time of encouragement and learning! But most of all, it's been a fruitful and rewarding time of ministry!

I'm pleased to share the good news: my friend has completed the PLP course, transformed his thoughts and actions for his own personal betterment and - perhaps most fruitful of all - has now commenced employment. His past was not so bright, but now his future is!

Life transformation brings hope, healing and wholeness. Life transformation in Jesus brings eternal reward!

Galatians 6:15b (NLT) ~ "What counts is that we have been transformed into a new creation."

Monday 9 August 2010

Adelaide Congress Hall 130th

The Melbourne Staff Songsters spent the weekend in South Australia visiting the Adelaide Congress Hall Corps (Australia Southern Territory's #1 corps) to launch their 130th anniversary celebrations.

From the moment we arrived and were greeted by Major Sue Wallace (CO) and Captains Matt & Clare Reeve (Asst COs), it was evident that there was an air of excitement and expectation for a God-glorifying time of praise and celebration.

The Saturday evening concert entitled "GOD IS..." was a great opportunity to present a fresh and relevant challenge to everyone present - a challenge that proved to be life-changing in more ways than one.

After a time of worship on Sunday morning we shared in lunch fellowship, before heading down to the Rundle Mall for an 'open air' concert with the corps' brass ensemble, where we were again able to "connect through song".

Click here to view some footage of our opening number.

Praise God for His faithfulness, yesterday, today...and forever!

Saturday 7 August 2010


This was the theme of today's Chapel Service, attended by 30 staff, volunteers, clients and friends of Doveton CSS. Focussing on Matthew 6, we explored together the importance of prayer. An important feature was the introduction and dedication of our both of new Chapel Cross and Mercy Seat (place of prayer).

The shared 'Faith Thought' can be summed up as follows:
  • RSVP = God's 'Please Respond' Invitation to us to commune with Him regularly through prayer
  • ASAP = Always Say A Prayer!
Praise God, we had two first time attendees - one from our Men's Breakfast and another who 'walked in' off the street seeking assistance. In speaking with them both at the conclusion, I discovered that they had both enjoyed the worship service - adding that they hadn't been to church for many years.

Despite my own preconceived notions, I was vividly reminded today of the fact that while we don't know the ins and outs regarding the backgrounds of everyone we meet, we can be sure that God does. He knows our needs and what it is we need. His timing is unquestionably right - in every way!

Our worship focus on prayer was timely for so many - and mine was the privilege to share with folk in both corporate public and private prayer for expressed concerns and needs. The worship was nice; the fellowship was encouraging; but, most of all, the prayer time was 'powerful and effective'!

Thank You, Lord, for confirming once again that Doveton's FaithWorks Chapel is an integral mission imperative of our integrated mission centre!

Always Say A Prayer (ASAP)

There's work to do, deadlines to meet
You've got no time to spare
But as you hurry and scurry
ASAP - always say a prayer

In the midst of family chaos
"Quality time" is rare
Do your best; let God do the rest:
ASAP - always say a prayer

It may seem like your worries
Are more than you can bear
Slow down and take a breather -
ASAP - always say a prayer

God knows how stressful life is
He wants to ease our cares
And He'll respond ASAP -

Author: Lisa Engelhardt

Sunday 1 August 2010

One Of Life's Certainties

Our circumstances and experiences of life are not always predictable. And neither are they always fair. One day is momentously memorable and the next is terribly tragic. We constantly ride a roller coaster of emotion and response, reacting to all that takes place around us in our everyday routines.

However, despite life's many uncertainties, one thing alway inspires me to hope - to look for a better outcome - a new possibility. That certainty is my faith in God. My personal belief and knowledge that assures me that there is a 'Greater Divine Being' in control. Not necessarily to
fix and mend', but to suppport and strengthen me. For I am certain that my Great God is powerfully present in my every circumstance and situation - intimately involved by equipping me with His 'more than sufficent' grace for my every need.

During this morning's worship, the band shared a message that encouraged my heart and inspired me to 'go deeper with God'. Here are the words:

"I can think of Him in my happy hours, when my heart is gay, glad my way;
Knowing He walks with me, I can always think of Him.

I can think of Him in prayer, for I know He will be there;
In my brightest day or my darkest way, I can think of Him in prayer.

I can think of Him in my darkest hours, when I cannot see what will be;
And despair stifles prayer. I can always think of Him."
Joy Webb

Friday 9 July 2010


On Friday 9 July, forty people from all walks of life gathered together united in a spirit of worship to "Celebrate Our Heritage" for our chapel service in honour of NAIDOC week.

Our special guest, Lloyd Hollingsworth (Aboriginal Programme & Ministry Consultant, THQ) commenced by sharing the Welcome To Country.

A time of enthusiastic singing was followed by the Presentation Of Flags (Aboriginal, Torres Strait Island and Australian) to the Doveton Community Support Services Manager, Vina Fernandes - thanks to the generous donation of a local MP.

Lloyd then shared about his territorial role to identify and develop opportunities for The Salvation Army to work effectively with Aboriginal & Indigenous people groups. His ministry passion to share Christ with indigenous people groups was inspiring.

A time of 'creative worship' followed where those present had the opportunity of creating their own Aboriginal artworks. This was very much a profitable and enriching experience for all!

To conclude this celebration service, our faith community joined together in honouring another Guest of Honour, Mina, who was turned 90th that day - singing "May the Good Lord, bless you!" (to the tune of Happy Birthday to you). Refreshment fellowship was a fitting conclusion to a richly rewarding worship experience.

Click here to view the photos of this memorable day of community celebration!

Sunday 4 July 2010

New Leadership Team

Attending the Welcome & Installation of Commissioners Aylene & Raymond Finger and Colonels Jenny & Peter Walker this evening was a sacred privilege. It was a godly time of confirmation and challenge not only for our new territorial leaders, but for the congregation and individuals present. This Divinely-inspired occasion was evidence that God uses ordinary people to achieve His extraordinary purposes.

We were encouraged to live courageously in the knowledge that our faith is centred in a God who continues to make the impossible possible, and challenged to 'reach the unreachable star' in our own pursuit of personal holiness and spiritual mission.

Today you, too, can know this personal sacred privilege of experiencing the everyday miracle of trusting in a 'life-transforming' God of im-possibilities. God longs for you to team up with Him and walk daily in step with His Spirit. Believe me, that's the best leadership team you could ever hope to experience!

Got any rivers you think are uncrossable?
Got any mountains you can't tunnel through?
God specializes in things thought impossible
For He can do just what no other power can do

Thursday 1 July 2010

Lavished In Love

Today marks another personal milestone! Fifteen years ago we stood together before God, and in the presence of family and friends, as we were wed in holy matrimony. During this significant moment, we both experienced the blessing of unity as we made our solemn vows and expressed the faithfulness of our love to God and each other.

Today, too, is a reminder that God never gives up on us and always offers us His best for our betterment. We live life to the fullest when we live it to God's glory. We get the most out of life, when we are fully aware of the love that God lavishes on us unconditionally and choose to love others extravagantly.

On this first day of this new financial year, I challenge you to bank on the love that God lavishes on you. His love never fails!

1 John 3:1 ~ "How great is the love the Father has lavished on us, that we should be called children of God! And that is what we are!"

Wednesday 28 April 2010

A Poignant Reminder...

Tonight during songster rehearsal at Camberwell Corps, I was emotionally moved by the words of a song that portrayed a personal journey through a painful experience, yet spoke of the true fellowship and love that gives Christians so much comfort and help to journey through these low times.

As we sang these words by Claire Cloninger, I was strongly aware that this was more than a 'performance rehearsal' - it was a 'personal experience reminder' of the grace of God available to us - to me, even recently!

The song made my experience come alive, and made my heart sing praise and thanks to God for the bereavement encouragement of Major Warren Elliott (CO, Waverley Temple Corps) who shared with me the poignant reminder that, during times of difficulty, 'Christians are privileged to share the journey together, and in doing so, prove the worth of Church.'

I pray these same words bring personal blessing to you in your journey!


When my heart was so broken that I could not pray
When love wasn't easy to see
Someone was there, somebody cared,
Somebody prayed for me

Somebody went to the throne of Heaven
Somebody lifted my name
Bringing me into His holy presence
Saying what I could not say
Somebody showed me the face of his mercy
When darkness was all I could see
Somebody pleaded the blood of Jesus
Somebody prayed for me

When the future looked hopeless and I'd given up
When I had lost sight of my dreams
Somebody near dried every tear
Somebody prayed for me

Friday 23 April 2010

Celebrating The ANZAC Spirit!

It was a great privilege and honour to lead the ANZAC Day Commemoration Service with staff, volunteers and clients at Doveton today.

Taking as our theme - "Celebrating the ANZAC Spirit!" - we met for a time of reflective worship that incorporated a special Remembrance Segment featuring the singing of the National Anthem, a Minute Silence, the Last Post and Reveille, and the reading of The Ode. As a personal tribute to honour those who made the ultimate sacrifice through war-time service, we laid a wreath made especially for the occasion by staff.

A devotional thought based on the ANZAC Spirit of 'Mateship - Courage - Sacrifice' was shared, which drew out appropriate parallels from the Christian faith of "Friendship with God - Courage of Christ - God's Ultimate Sacrifice of Love", and challenged all present to live with this same GODLY Spirit.

An appropriate conclusion to a great afternoon was a time of fellowship with a cuppa and ANZAC biscuits. Yummy!

Greater love has no one than this, that he lay down his life for his friends.
John 15:13 (NIV)

Saturday 17 April 2010

TRIBUTE TO JAIMEE...from a dear friend

Dearest Jaimee Lynn,

We thought of you today, but that is nothing new.
We thought about you yesterday and days before that, too.
We think of you in silence.
We often speak your name.
All we have are memories and a picture in a frame.
Your memory is a keepsake, from which we'll never part.
God has you in His keeping. You are in our heart.

Jesus LOVES you and so do we.
Cuddles to you Jaimee.

From Amy, Avery, Teddy and LiKuen
(Johor Bahru, Malaysia)

Thursday 15 April 2010


LYNN - Jaimee.

Our precious princess, Jaimee - God sent you into our lives for just a brief moment in time. You've changed us forever and we will always love you. Miss You Bubba and can't wait to spend eternity with you in Heaven.
- Daddy, Mummy, Jesse and Jordi xx xx

Darling Jaimee, You are our precious little ray of sunshine that came into our lives for 7 1/2 months, and brought us so much joy and love. We will always love you and keep you in our hearts. A perfect Angel in God's care.
- Grandma and Grandad Lynn

Our beautiful niece, Jaimee, changed our lives forever - so sweet, innocent and pure.
'Eternal Love Unchanging'
- Uncle Tim and Aunty Dabak

Jaimee, thank you for choosing us to be your Nanny and Pa. You gave us so much joy in your short life. We love you more than you will ever know.
- Precious grand-daughter of Katina and Alan

Our baby Jaimee; so easy to be with, pure joy to be in your presence. Having you in Heaven is a delight to Jesus, His precious Angel. We love you forever Pumpkin.
- Auntie Sonny, Uncle Scottie and special cousins Kaja and baby Gabriel xx

'Little ones to Him belong, they are weak - but He is strong'

Ali, Stewy and boys; you shared your beautiful little girl with us and she brought such love and joy to us all. God has her in His care. We love you all.
- Barbara, Megan, Lincoln, Jo, Jock and George, and Randall.

To Allison, Stewart, Jesse and Jordan, no words can express the sorrow and sadness that we feel at the loss of your beautiful baby girl. Our thoughts and prayers are with you and your families, today and in the days to come. With love and deepest sympathy
- Ron, Gaynor, Lindi, Steve and Kathryn

Friday 9 April 2010

JAIMEE LYNN (19 August 2009 - 8 April 2010)

Born 19 August 2009
Promoted to Glory 8 April 2010
Cherished daughter of Stewart and Allison Lynn
Beloved sister of Jesse and Jordan

Our beautiful niece, Jaimee, changed our lives forever - so sweet, innocent and pure.


'Eternal Love Unchanging'
- Uncle Tim and Aunty Dabak

She changed us - in a moment - forever.
In a moment, she was forever changed.

Tuesday 6 April 2010

"In His Hands"

An air of expectation and excitement was evident as 91 staff, clients and friends of the Doveton Community Support Services met together for our Easter worship service.

The reflective service, themed “In His Hands”, featured spirited community singing, meditative Bible readings in 3 languages and a KidZone children’s segment emphasizing the fact that God has the “whole world in His hands”.

While the children were busy at their activity tables, the adults focussed their thoughts on the true meaning for celebrating Easter – Jesus’ death and resurrection – with a reminder that in His ‘dying’ hands is our salvation and in His ‘risen’ hands is our eternal hope. Phil Laeger’s sensitive arrangement of I’m in His hands provided an opportunity for six people to come forward seeking personal prayer.

A time of fellowship over a Hot Cross Bun morning tea was a fitting conclusion to this inspirational and God-glorifying event.

Many thanks to our dedicated and supportive CSS team for their valuable assistance in making this event so successful. And thank you, Lord...for others are blessed through You alone!

Above photos are: (L) Children's Activity Tables and (R) KidZone children's segment

Pray for our next community worship event scheduled for Friday 22 April @ 1.30pm.
"Celebrating the ANZAC spirit!"

Friday 26 March 2010

Easter Service @ Doveton CSS

Easter Service
Thursday 1 April 2010 @ 10am
Doveton Community Support Services

Theme: "In His Hands"
Led by Major Tim Lynn (Chaplain)

Worship and reflection time for both adults and children

Fellowship morning tea will follow.


Wednesday 20 January 2010

Doveton CSS - The Challenge!

Ministry is exciting when we connect holistically with people from all races and walks of life. That's why I'm so excited about the ministry opportunities at Doveton. The Community Support Services staff are dedicated to providing the best care for all clients who access their services, and believe me - they do it well!

Doveton CSS is a busy multi-service, multicultural social welfare centre with a keen desire to be a credible 'integrated mission centre' of The Salvation Army, where practical expressions of social services and spiritual care impact the local community and foster hope and healing in the lives of those come seeking support.

My chaplaincy challenge, then, is to build meaningful relationships with people that bridge lcoal community needs as we seek to establish a new 'mid-week' worship and faith community in this vibrant social service 'mission' centre.

In the words of Jesus: "No chance at all if you think you can pull it off by yourself. Every chance in the world if you let God do it." (Mark 10:27, MSG)

Friday 15 January 2010

The Challenge Of A New Beginning

Isaiah 48:6-7 ~ "[This is...] just the beginning. I have a lot more to tell you, things you never knew existed. This isn't a variation on the same old thing. This is new, brand-new, something you'd never guess or dream up. When you hear this you won't be able to say, 'I knew that all along."

These are words that come as a challenge to me for this specific point in my ministry journey. As I stand at the crossroads reflecting gratefully on where I've been and looking ahead in expectation of what God is going to do, I anticipate God's best.

Why? Here's the basis of my personal conviction:

God has always kept His Word through history. He continues to honour His promises in the present day. And He will forever remain reliable and trustworthy.

In the light of this very assurance, more than ever I'm confident that our new beginnings (no matter how challenging!) are always guaranteed to offer a 'more than sufficient' measure of God's grace to see us through - to a victorious & God-honouring outcome!

Sunday 10 January 2010

So Long, Farewell!

Our ministry at Inala Chapel came to a conclusion as we shared our final worship service with our beloved congregation. It concludes another chapter in our ministry journey - 7 years of aged care ministry. More importantly, we are able to praise God for 7 'blessed' years of personal and spiritual fulfilment as we've pursued God's 'ongoing' call in and through our lives.

So what does one share as a farewell message? I thought of no better way than to share three ‘pastoral prayer’ statements in the hope that they will continue to inspire a deeper 'Blessed Assurance' in the lives of those we have been privileged to journey with.

Below is a summary of what was shared.

Ephesians 1 verse 17: "I ask the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the glorious Father, to give you the Spirit, who will make you wise and reveal God to you, so that you will know Him."

God’s ‘Indwelling’ presence: His gift to us! our Greatest Guide! the key to knowing Him!

Ephesians 1 verses 18-20: "I ask that your minds may be opened to see his light, so that you will know what is the hope to which he has called you, how rich are the wonderful blessings he promises his people, and how very great is his power at work in us who believe. This power working in us is the same as the mighty strength which he used when he raised Christ from death and seated him at his right side in the heavenly world."

God’s ‘Promised’ empowerment: worth being aware of! our personal reinforcement! our key to living victoriously!

2 Corinthians 13 verse 11b: "...strive for perfection (in Christ); listen to my appeals, agree with one another; live in peace (‘Inala’). And the God of love and peace will be with you."

Confidently ‘Pursue’ holy living:
...for it is God’s calling to us!
...for your corporate advantage!
...for your personal blessing!

Be conscious of God’s Indwelling Presence!
Be mindful of God’s Promised Empowerment!
Confidently pursue holy living!

If you take these to heart and live by them each day, you will experience God with you – always!

2 Corinthians 13:11a&14 - "And now, brethren, goodbye! ... May the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, the love of God and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with you all."

Friday 8 January 2010

A 'Major' Day

Today marks a milestone in our ministry, for we have now completed 15 years service since our Commissioning & Ordination on 8 January 1995. This significant achievement, thanks to the grace of God, is accompanied by our promotion to the rank of major. A thought that doesn't necessarily thrill us, as it suggests we are growing 'old'.

However, as we reflect over the many years of our ministry partnership, we agree on some key factors:
  • People always matter more than programmes!
  • Testimony is always greater than titles!
  • Spiritual influence is more powerful than spiritual instruction!
Today, especially, we are reminded of the words of one wise retired officer we had the privilege to know and look up to. "Rank has no recognition in eternity - for we are all the same at the foot of the Cross"
A personal message to us offered another challenging perspective: "Congratulations on your promotion to Major. Wear the distinction well for it highlights the years of fruitful and faithful service you have both given in ministry to God and The Salvation Army..."
How grateful we are for these 'timeless' and 'timely' words of advice on this major day!

Sunday 3 January 2010

Day Of Prayer & Thanksgiving

To coincide with our POWERHOUSE Prayer Room commitment, we held a Day of Prayer & Thanksgiving today on this 1st Sunday in January, with the main feature being the Opening of the Time Capsule. This capsule was sealed into the chapel wall at the Watchnight Service held on 31 December 2000, with the instruction that it be opened in the year 2010.

How privileged we were to celebrate this special occasion with our former chaplaincy team of Majors Kevin and Lynne Grigsbey and Major Major McMillin, together with Mr Bruce Maunder (former Director of Administration). A unique opportunity to celebrate the past, present and future minstry of the Inala Chapel as we stand at the threshold of new beginnings.

It was a God-glorifying and soul-inspiring time of thanksgiving as the contents of the time capsule were unpacked and share with the congregation - book by Brigadier Horrie Wishart launched 10 years ago, commemorative mug and pen, and various publications from the time of its installment.

However, most encouraging of all were the personal messages written by the residents who were present all those years ago (many of whom are now in the eternal presence of God)! Here are a few noteworthy messages.

I hope you folk who have just come to live at Inala, and those who have been here for the last few years, are as happy as we are in 2001.
“In all thy ways acknowledge Him and He shall direct thy paths.”
This is my message to you all and it is timeless! [Margaret Hillman, PTG]

May my life always grow in God’s love and help others. [Nola Morris, current resident and newest soldier transfer]

Greetings from Heaven! I expect to be there when the capsule is opened.
Psalm 62:5 – “My soul waits silently for God alone, for my expectation is from Him” -
He never fails – Hallelujah! [Brigadier Eileen Johnston, PTG]

As part of the Fellowship of Inala Chapel, I wish God’s richest blessing on all of you who are in this chapel 10 years from now.Remember God’s promise to all of you – “Lo, I am with you always!” [Mavis Wilcox, PTG]

We thank God for the peace and contentment we have at “Inala” [Marjorie & Gordon (dec.) Thomas, current resident]

...and finally, a prayer from one of Inala's faithful witnesses, Major Gwenda Watkinson.

May God be pleased to bless the ministry of all who serve in His name at Inala. May all who enter Inala be aware of God’s presence and be blessed and drawn closer to Him.

Saturday 2 January 2010


At 9am on New Year's Day, we opened our POWERHOUSE Prayer Room at the Inala Chapel. This was our contribution to the territory's 24/7 prayer initiative and was a great way to greet the first days of 2010.

The power of prayer is truly amazing! Those who attended the prayer room testified to a deep personal empowerment as they shared in silent, reflective prayer and encountered God in a powerful way. Faith was deepened through intercession, and hope was heightened as God's grace was at work in and through our prayers.

I couldn't think of a better way to commence the New Year - on our knees before our great and glorious God!