Sunday 3 June 2007

On His Mind, In His Heart Always!

When the people of Israel were feeling down and despondent, they thought that God had abandoned them for good ~ forgotten and never to be remembered. And God, in his unlimited grace, provided a messenger to speak his words of reassurance they needed to hear.

Isaiah 49:15b-16a (NIV) ~ "I will not forget you! See, I have engraved you on the palms of my hands"

Yes, God's message is just as relevant for us today as it was then. In times of despair, doubt and difficulty comes the personal assurance that we are on his mind, in his heart always!

General Albert Orsborn grasped this experience well when he wrote these confident words of encouragement as found in chorus 125 of The Salvation Army's songbook.
He cannot forget me
Though trials beset me
Forever His promise shall stand.
He cannot forget me
Though trials beset me
My name's on the palm of his hand.

Hallelujah! God is our truly reliable Palm Pilot.