Monday 16 April 2007

Grace Sufficient

This week we are considering 2 Corinthians 12:9 in our devotional worship services ~ "My grace is sufficient for you, for My power is made perfect in that Christ's power may rest on me.” It's a wonderfully empowering verse of Scripture that reminds us of God's ability to raise us to a supernatural level of faith living.

Even as we were reflecting on this passage today, I experienced a personal renewal of God's grace sufficient for the moment for me. Grace sufficient to forgive an insensitive staff member her loud interruption to our worship time. Grace sufficient to listen intently to a dear elderly resident recall a significant life experience that she has mentioned to me now on numerous occasions. Grace sufficient to not take offense of a new attender to worship who chose, despite a warm welcome, to sit in on our devotions wearing huge, fluffy earmuffs.
Yes, praise God for the sufficiency of His grace to empower us during and beyond the 'weakness' moments of life!

Herbert Howard Booth wrote about the wonderful sufficiency of God's amazing, personal Grace.

"Grace there is my every debt to pay
Blood to wash my every sin away
Power to keep me spotless day by day
For me, for me!"
(SASB 303, chorus)