Monday 19 March 2007

Ministry Is Rewarding

With regards aged care chaplaincy, God often reveals the rewards of ministry in some very unique ways. Take for instance the case of a blind lady who claims that she is not blind, but simply "dim of sight due to glaucoma". At 95 years of age, she tends to sit quietly alone in a corner recliner during our weekly devotions. The moment the piano strikes up a hymn tune, she looks up and sings along heartily as though she were holding a hymnbook before her.
Now that's a joyful reward of ministry!

So, too, is the retired officer who, suffering from acute dementia, is totally dependent on the care of others. Normally, little response is evident and our greetings are often met with a blank stare and awkward silence. Yet, at special God-ordained moments, there are beautiful evidences of mental awareness. Like today, when my wife offered a genuine "God bless you, ___!" and there came a spontaneous "Thank you" reply.

Yes, ministry is most rewarding when we make connections with people in their moment of need. We don't always see the results on the spot, but we can always be assured that God is at work within, regardless of the circumstances. And that in itself is rewarding!

Ruth 2:12 (NIV) ~ "May you be richly rewarded by the LORD, the God of Israel, under whose wings you have come to take refuge."