Monday 4 August 2008

Missionaries Matter!

I understand that in the truest sense of the word, one doesn't need to leave their homeland to be a 'missionary'. However, the main focus of our territory's World Mission Fellowship is to support, both prayerfully and practically, our Australia Southern personnel who relocate overseas in order to fulfil their God-given mission.

Last night we were privileged to hear first-hand mission updates from Commissioners Vic & Ros Poke (Sweden & Latvia) and Majors Geoff and Kalie Webb (Pakistan) with their daughter, Khelsi. They are each enjoying homeland furlough and inspired us through their respective reports to be continue in the faithful intercession ministry which is the foundation of our fellowship.

Meeting for the first time in the Inala Chapel was beneficial and afforded us the luxuries of comfortable seating, good audio/visual facilities and great acoustics for corporate singing. Though what a contrast to the 'simple' meeting places we heard about throughout Latvia and Pakistan. One point of agreement ~ Missionaries Matter!

Why not join me in praying for them?

Majors Ian & Vivien Callander (Moldova, Eastern Europe)
Majors Ron & Lyn Cochrane (Moscow, Eastern Europe) from September '08
Majors Mike & Annette Coleman (Taiwan)
Majors Daryl & Sandy Crowden with Alexis (New Zealand)
Marshall & Vicki Currie with Emma, Meg & Tim (Kenya)
Majors John & Anne Farquharson (Zambia)
Majors Ross & Agnes Hailes (Canada)
Major Winsome Mason (United Kingdom)
Captain Kirsty McKenzie (Ecuador)
Cadet Kevin & Capt Sugu Meredith with Naomi (Myanmar)
Captain Debbie Messenger (The Philippines)
Major On Dieu Quang (Hong Kong & Macau ~ based in China)
Commissioners Vic & Ros Poke (Sweden & Latvia)
Majors Drew & Leanne Ruthven with Lyle (Papua New Guinea)
Majors David & Christine Watson (Tanzania)
Majors Ritche & Gail Watson (Papua New Guinea)
Majors Geoff & Kalie Webb with Khelsi (Pakistan)
Majors Jim & Marion Weymouth (Hong Kong)
Peter & Emma Weymouth with Samuel & Jude (Zambia)
Envoys John & Kaye Williamson (Jamaica, Caribbean)