Tuesday 15 April 2008

"Service Above Self"

When Frank Collins spoke at the 1911 Portland convention, I doubt he had any idea that a phrase he used on that occasion ~ Service, Not Self ~ would go on to become the well-recognized motto of Rotary Interational. At the Rotary convention in 1950 "Service Above Self" was adopted as the worldwide motto that continues to live on and identify the very spirit of Rotarian service today.

On Saturday morning I was privileged to work with my dedicated community services team and collate 750 'welcome packs' that will be provided to Box Hill Hospital's Upton House facility.

The opportunity for fellowship was valuable, but the knowledge that our team effort is going to benefit others as we seek to be of service to the local community is an even greater reward.

Click on the image at right to read the interesting story.

Well, they say a picture tells a thousand words...so take a look at these and let your mind write it's own essay!