Wednesday 23 December 2009

God's Gift To Me

The commonly-quoted phrase, "Jesus is the Reason for the Season", is helpful in directing focus to the real purpose of why we celebrate Christmas. But what is it about Christmas that makes it especially meaningful to you?

For me, it is about expressing my heartfelt praise to God for the spiritual blessings that are mine as I celebrate my faith in Jesus Christ - my Saviour, Redeemer and King - who came to save me and illuminate the love of God into my life experience. It's a seasonal time to reflect on the impact of the Incarnation - not only for humanity - but for me as an individual. In a very real sense, God gifting Himself to me.

On arriving home this evening I found a Christmas card in my letterbox that was particularly encouraging.

What We Find In Jesus (by Roy Lessin).

We find peace, and the PRINCE OF PEACE
We find righteousness, and the RIGHTEOUS ONE
We find counsel, and the COUNSELLOR
We find wonders, and the WONDERFUL ONE
We find salvation, and the SAVIOUR
We find the Kingdom, and the KING.

In Jesus, we find more gifts than our hearts can ever imagine.


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