Thursday 12 July 2007


Some lessons in life are taught to us by the most unusual of circumstances. Having recently been laid low by the gastro/flu, we noticed the immense sensitivity of our intelligent guide dog, Zarena. Here's the scenario ~ in the early stages, while my unaffected spouse was lovingly caring for me, Zarena was staying close to my bedside providing her 'loving' support. Then, when my wife succumbed to it, not knowing whose side to stay by, Zarena jumped up and laid down inbetween us.

It was a clear reminder to us that, as Zarena was sensitive to our need, so we need to be constantly aware of our sensitivity to the needs of others. It's quite easy, and often convenient sometimes, in this day and age to notice a need but not follow through on it for whatever reason.

At times like these, we need to pray the words of Albert E Mingay (SASB 209).
Come, Holy Spirit, thy guidance we crave;
Speak out thy will we pray;
We would be sensitive to thy control;
Speak to our hearts today.

Galatians 5:25 (NLT) ~ "Since we are living by the Spirit, let us follow the Spirit’s leading in every part of our lives."