Wednesday 8 August 2007

Thank God You're Here

I was interested to read the following statement from Major Brian Pratt's reflection in the Melbourne Central divisional newsletter of 1 August.

People with urgent needs seldom intersect our lives at convenient times. Life is rarely simple. Our days are filled with interruptions. One of my mentors taught me some years ago to pray at the beginning of the day for 'Divine Appointments' ~ that God would send across my path His interruptions.

These words reminded me of the many instances when others whom we have been privileged to minister to, and indeed ourselves as recipients of another's 'timely' ministry, have echoed appreciatively the phrase: "Thank God you're here!" It's occasions like these when we are assured beyond doubt that, when we are obedient to God's leading, He always equips us to bring great blessing to others in their moment of need, while at the same time being blessed ourselves in the process.

Why not pray this faith-filled personal prayer and see where God takes you? "Lord, fill my days with Divine Appointments and Blessed Intersections!"

Genesis 30:27 (MSG) ~ "I have learned through divine inquiry that God has blessed me because of you."