Sunday 8 February 2009

Victorian Bushfires

Following a week of extreme heat waves and yesterday's 46.4oC record highest temperature, fires continue to rage throughout Victoria wreaking havoc and widespread devastation.

While Victorians watch on in horror and disbelief, contemplating the current death toll of 35 (and rising!) we can't avoid feeling helpless about what we can do to provide much-needed relief and assistance.

At times of tragedy like this, Christians have been known to say, "The least we can do is pray." My own personal faith experience assures me that the MOST we can do is pray. Intercessory prayer coupled with practical assistance will bring the most benefit to all concerned.

Deuteronomy 33:25 (KJV) ~ "As your days, so shall your strength be."

PS. Ironically, the 'Ambassadors of Holiness' sessional song for this afternoon's Cadets Welcome is titled, "Keep the fire burning!"...not, we pray, in a physical sense!