Sunday 14 December 2008

Cappuccino Captain!

While sharing a coffee at Bunnings cafe with my wife and a couple of our chapel leaders after church this morning, I was deep in conversation when suddenly, out of the blue, a kid's shoe came flying over the playground gate and smacked me directly in the middle of the forehead. BANG! A little taken aback, I quickly returned the shoe to the other side via a concerned onlooker.

As I took my seat ~ BANG! ~ a second shoe landed directly in the middle of my cappuccino almost fully immersing me in coffee as I sat, shocked, in my wet navy uniform, complete with stained white shirt and tie. I was angered into silence!

About five minutes later, as I was finishing off a free replacement from the compassionate coffee-maker and awaiting the cleanup to be finalized, from the distance I could see a 5yo boy coming toward my table, accompanied by his purposeful father.

On their arrival the father stated, "My son has something to say to you. Go on!" Then followed a confident yet sincere apology: "Excuse me, man! I'm sorry for spilling your coffee." Despite my annoyance, I was gracious enough to accept his genuine apology and give him an assurance of my forgiveness.

Kind of like a live object lesson on forgiveness...and the practice of patience.
Be assured - tomorrow I'm off to the dry cleaners!

Matthew 6:15 (NIV) ~ "But if you do not forgive men their sins, your Father will not forgive your sins."

The Sounds Of Christmas

Today is the 3rd Sunday in Advent and was an opportunity for us to focus on the JOY that Jesus brings to our lives.

As we considered John chapter 1, we reflected on the "Sounds of Christmas" that God wanted the world to hear that first Christmas Day when Jesus, our Immanuel Saviour, dwelt among us as a result of His Incarnation birth.

Through this Divine Intervention into our humanity, God was indeed sounding two important messages to mankind.
  1. "I love you!"
  2. "I am with you!"
These are the "Sounds of Christmas"! Can you hear them?

It is my sincere prayer that God may richly and abundantly bless you as you allow the sounds of our Saviour’s birth to ring within your heart and mind at this joyful celebration season.

John 1:14 (NLT) ~ "So the Word became human and lived here on earth among us. He was full of unfailing love and faithfulness."