Wednesday 11 February 2009

Hope From The Heart

My wife and I were humbled this morning to be involved in preparing emergency relief accommodation at The Basin in preparation for 13 fire-affected families, and have just returned from an eight hour shift (4pm-midnight) at the Healesville Relief Centre, where local community organizations - Red Cross, DHS, Centrelink, Police, Medical staff, Shire workers and Salvos - are working cooperatively together to provide much-needed practical support and aid relief.

What amazed us the most was the strong community spirit, evidenced by the numerous incoming donations and the immense generosity of the public. As you would expect at a time of national crisis such as this, community actions were motivated more from a 'heart-perspective' than the often beaurocractic, 'red tape'-type response.

A most poignant memory took place in the hallway of the relief centre, where a teenager dropped by wanting to donate her cherished teddy bear to a needy child. The yellow sticky note attached read "I hope you love him as much as I did. Love A." Moments after receiving the teddy, a mother and father came through the door seeking assistance. The teddy was offered, accepted and handed over with the teenage donor witnessing the personal exchange. Introductions were made, and it was as if a lasting friendship had been forged - all through the bonds of personal generosity and loving support.

The encouragement: Hope always abounds in the midst of hopeless situations.

Psalm 9:18 (NIV) ~ "...the needy will not always be forgotten, nor the hope of the afflicted ever perish."