Sunday 26 April 2009

Valuing Faith & Community

Often it's very easy to take the blessings of life for granted. So with purposeful planning, we met in worship today at Inala Chapel determined to value our Christian faith and those within our worshipping community.

Reflecting on the privilege of personal salvation and the need for pursuing holiness, we considered the spiritual blessings made available to us through Christ under the theme, "Come, Feast At The Table".

The Inala Choir brought much inspiration with their sensitive rendition of "At the table of the Lord", reminding us to be always be open to experiencing the hope, peace, love and grace of God that brings fulness of life as we claim the promises of God everyday.

A special feature of our meeting was an acknowledgement of the ministry and service of Major Win Barker, who has faithfully served the Lord as Chapel Pastoral Care Officer for the past 10 years. Win's effective ministry of personal care and concern has been greatly valued by the chapel fellowship at large. The wording on the appreciation card said it all: "Everything you do for the Lord matters, and everything you do for others is an expression of God's abundant love to you." Win's personal dedication in developing an effective pastoral ministry has certainly been beneficial both on a corporate and individual level that only eternity itself will reveal.

In a further endeavour to strengthen our faith community, fifty people gathered together around common meal tables to share a fellowship luncheon. Social interaction over a scrumptious menu certainly enhanced our spiritual bond of fellowship, with the highlight being the spirited singing of grace - "Be present at our table, Lord".

Feasting on God's 'banquet of grace' was, and always is, most valuable!

"Come and take your place at the banquet of grace.
There is room at the table for you."
(Joseph M Martin - At the table of the Lord)

Sunday 19 April 2009

South Barwon: Spirit-led

One of the highlights of being a member of the Melbourne Staff Songsters is the opportunity to visit many different corps (Salvo churches) in order to promote the gospel and provide spiritual and personal encouragement to those who attend worship in their respective local communities.

Though sometimes we do so, we should never underestimate the power and ability of God's Holy Spirit to minister through gospel music. Singing as an act of worship is not purposed solely for corporate entertainment, but is a God-inspired and blessed medium of sharing the message of God's love, as well as being a means of creating a worshipful atmosphere where people feel comfortable to openly communicate with God on a very deep and personal level.

Praise be to God for moving in hearts and lives by both confirming and challenging many with a reminder that His grace is more than sufficient for their every need.

I encourage you to pray for the ministry team at South Barwon - Majors David & Gloria Eldridge and Lieutenant Aaron Stobie. Together they are serving God well in building the Kingdom by offering exciting opportunities for people to personally encounter the grace of God upon their lives.

Sunday 12 April 2009

Saturday 11 April 2009

EASTER SATURDAY: Low In The Grave He Lay

Low in the grave He lay, Jesus my Saviour
Waiting the coming day, Jesus my Lord!
(Robert Lowry)

"All good things come to those who wait", but

Friday 10 April 2009

GOOD FRIDAY: He Took My Place

Surely He took up our infirmities and carried our sorrows,
yet we considered Him stricken by God, smitten by Him, and afflicted.
But He was pierced for our transgressions, He was crushed for our iniquities;
the punishment that brought us peace was upon Him, and by His wounds we are healed.

ISAIAH 53:4-5 (NIV)

Sunday 5 April 2009

On The Road With Jesus

PALM SUNDAY ~ This most significant day marked the beginning of the last week that Jesus would spend as “God-man”. His journey along the road to Jerusalem that day also marked the 'beginning of the end' of his earthly ministry. On that road to Jerusalem, every step Jesus traveled was one closer to His own death, burial and glorious Resurrection.

Reflecting on Matthew 21:1-11, the Road to Jerusalem that Jesus travelled was clearly also:
  • A Road of Humility (verses 1-3)
  • A Road of Fulfilment (verses 4-5)
  • A Road of Submission (verses 6-8)
  • A Road of Destiny (verses 9-11)

Likewise, as followers of Jesus Christ, we are called to respond to God's love, through the power of His Spirit at work within us. We do this by seeking to live our lives with humility, fulfilled within the will of God, submitted to the Lordship of Christ - for we are destined to eternal life.

As you ponder on the events of Holy Week over the next few days, I pray that you might recommit to walking the road of humility, obedience and submission to the Lord Jesus in all you do. May the assurance of your faith be deepened into God's love more and more.

Matthew 21:4-5 (NJKV) ~ “All this was done that it might be fulfilled which was spoken by the prophet, saying: ...'Behold, your King is coming to you, lowly, and sitting on a donkey - a colt, the foal of a donkey.'”