Sunday 29 July 2007

Deeper And Wider

With the 24/7 Prayer Intiative well under way, God will be sure to pour out His deep and wide blessings upon our territory as we, in the words of Commissioner James Knaggss, "commit ourselves to deepen our faith and widen our spiritual influence through intentional prayer". It's truly exciting what God will do!

Retired General John Gowans expressed it well when he wrote:
It's as high as the sky and it's as deep as the sea
And it's as wide as the world, God's love for you and for me.
We can't escape His love or take ourselves out of his care.
Where can we hide from His love? His love is everywhere.

Allow the boundless love of God to flow deeper and wider through your life today.

Job 7:8-9 (MSG) ~ "God is far higher than you can imagine, far deeper than you can comprehend, stretching farther than earth's horizons, far wider than the endless ocean."