Sunday 21 January 2007

This Is The God We Adore

Worship this morning was awesome! None the less, because we were privileged to sit under the preaching ministry of one of our dear chapel members, Sister Noreen Webster. Looking resplendent wearing her new summer uniform, our beloved Noreen put into practice all the skills she had learned through 25 years as Corps Cadet Guardian and a faithful Corps Sergeant Major (CSM), dutifully leading meetings and preaching sermons in the absence of her blessed Corps Officers of years gone by.
We are grateful for Noreen's timely reminder from Psalm 19 verse 1 ~ "The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of his hands". Yes, this is the God we adore ~ One who is truly great in His Creative ability, Holiness and Love. Yet, at the same time, One who is personal in His care and concern for each of us.
We believe that the sharing of one's platform definitely results in shared blessings for all. Ministry is never "one-sided" but always best accomplished working with and alongside others!