Thursday 6 March 2008

Sensitively Yours

“Declare today “sacred time”—off-limits to everyone, unless invited by you.
Take care of your personal wants and needs.
Say no, graciously but firmly, to others’ demands.”
Oprah Winfrey

Great thought, but sometimes this is more easily said than done. When I first began in full-time ministry thirteen years ago my main focus was 'availability'. Being available to others is vital in fostering ministry opportunities, for Christian spiritual ministry is about people and people demand our time and attention. However, the passing of time and personal experience has taught me that the most important ministry focus is 'sensitivity' ~ the gift of being aware of the needs around us and taking time to respond appropriately.

Availability without sensitivity is time endured.
Availability with sensitivity is blessing assured.

Lord, first help me to be sensitive to the needs of those to whom I minister and then, guided by Your Spirit, be available to bring Your timely blessing!