Sunday, 3 February 2008

Courage To Trust

Meaningful worship is always personally inspiring, corporately edifying and, most of all, God-glorifying. Such was our time spent in the house of God this morning.

The comforting words of Jesus spoken to His disciples ~ "Take courage! It is I. Don't be afraid" ~ were reinforced in our hearts and minds, increasing our faith with a timely word of challenge and hope. Dabak's new music composition entitled "Take Courage!" was an inspirational highlight.

When the day is dark and stormy
And the night is long and hard
Then I hear Him gently saying,
“Peace be still! Trust with your heart.”

Take courage! Do not be afraid.
Take courage! Put your trust in Me.
I will hold your hand
I will help you stand
So take courage, be not afraid!

When I feel all weak and helpless
And my faith begins to wane
Then I hear Him gently saying,
“Peace be still! Trust with your heart.”

When you feel real lost and lonely
And uncertainty prevails
He is gently saying to you
“Peace be still! Trust with your heart.”

~ words by Timothy Lynn; music by Dabak Lynn (composed 31 January 2008)

Matthew 14:27 (NIV) ~ "Jesus immediately said to them: "Take courage! It is I. Don't be afraid."