Tuesday, 24 June 2008

Working Toward A Better Outcome

"Heart to God, Hand to man" (The Salvation Army)
"Service Above Self" (Rotary International)

Two mottos from two organizations who are both working toward a better society. Though one motto is spiritual and the other is secular, both express well what each of the respective community organizations are trying to do.

Even reading through the history of their respective annual themes/sessions are descriptive of the heart of their mission. Consider these!

The Salvation Army
  • "Heralds Of Hope" 1981-83
  • "Crusaders For Christ" 1993-95
  • "Ambassadors Of Grace" 1999-2001
Rotary International
  • "Rotary Brings Hope" 1986-87
  • "Service With Love, Work For Peace" 1995-96
  • "Mankind Is Our Business" 2001-02

I'm proud to be both a Salvo and a Rotarian and make my personal contribution toward a better outcome in the lives of people I meet!

The Salvation Army in Poland

My heart rejoiced to read in the June edition of Heilsarmee-Forum (SA Forum) that General Shaw Clifton has decided that the Army's work in Poland will be oversighted by the Germany & Lithuania Territory, with effect from 1 July 2008. As such, the territory will be redesignated the Germany, Lithuania and Poland Territory (Territorium Deutschland, Litauen und Polen).

A regional administrative office will be operate out of Dresden, Germany and Major James Garrington (currently CO, Dresden) has been appointed as Regional Officer, Poland. He will lead the team of officers [Majors Joseph and Marcia Pawlowski (from USA) and Major Denise McGarvey (from UK)], who are currently serving God well in Warsaw and Starachowice ~ together with the valuable efforts of faithful lay personnel.

Join with me in praying for the success of ongoing local ministries and an innovative vision for the future development of The Salvation Army's spiritual and social services in Poland.

God bless The Salvation Army!