Sunday 9 November 2008

Practical Love

So many of the hymns and modern songs we use in our worship services focus on the characterstics of God's love or give praise to the sacrificial nature of Christ's love. Very few refer to the practical nature of love that we are instructed through the Word of God to live out in our personal relationships with those around us.

Lieut-Colonel Malcolm Bale, a retired officer from the United Kingdom who I recall served in Australia and soldiered at my home corps in Box Hill, authored the words of song 518 as a personal challenge to us all. Reflect on them and allow the words to bring about transformational change in your everyday witness.

O Lord, whose human hands were quick
To feed the hungry, heal the sick,
Who love by loving deed expressed,
Help me to comfort the distressed.

What is divine about my creed
If I am blind to human need?
For you have said they serve you best
Who serve the helpless and oppressed.

Lord, may your love translucent shine
Through every loving deed of mine,
That men may see the works I do
And give the glory all to you.

1 John 3:18 (NIV) ~ "...let us not love with words or tongue but with actions and in truth."