Tuesday 4 December 2007

How Ironic!

It's amazing and incredible just how ironic experiences in life can be! Take for instance, the recent Teddy Bear fiasco in Sudan. This is a good example of an irony based on common cultural experience. Naming the teddy bear "Mohammed" is no worse a situation than giving a child the same name. It happens everyday in Islamic countries, so why a fiasco when a group of young students decide to act on the societal norm and name their bear?

I admit that irony exists even in the Bible. Jesus Himself said that we must 'die to self' in order to 'truly live'. We die to our self, but in Christ we live eternally. The Christian life is always an irony: we pick up an instrument of death (the cross) and it brings us eternal life. We give up our lives but gain immortal reward. We sacrifice all, but receive everything

I'm so grateful to God that the hope of my own personal Christian faith is clear and plain. "Jesus loves me, this I know" ~ there is nothing ironic about that spiritual truth. It not only sounds reasonable and logical; it is a experiential constant, everyday of my life.

John 3:16 (MSG) ~ "This is how much God loved the world: He gave his Son, his one and only Son."

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