Tuesday 4 December 2007

Christmas Symbols

While there are numerous types of decorative symbols on display that capture our mind's eye during this celebration season, consider these 'Christmas' symbols.

The first is a Cradle. There, in Bethlehem, were cradled the hopes and dreams of a dying world. Those chubby little hands that clasped the straw in His manger crib were soon to reach out open blind eyes, unstop deaf ears and still the troubled seas. That cooing voice was soon to teach men of the Way and challenge the status quo. Those tiny feet were to take Him to the sick and needy and were to be pierced on Calvary's cross. That manger crib in remote Bethlehem became the link that bound a lost world to a loving God.

Next, the Cross. There was joy with overtones of sadness on that first Christmas for, unknown to others, Jesus was born to die. Jesus, approaching the cross, said, To this end I was born and to this cause I came into the world. To Christians the joy of Christmas is not limited to His birth. It was His death and resurrection that gave meaning to His birth. It is in the cross that the world can find a solution to its pressing problems.

Finally, the Crown. Jesus, the King of Love, was born into completely humble surroundings. Yes, Christ is King of kings and Lord of lords, and He is coming back someday. He will come not as a babe in Bethlehem's manager. The next time He comes it will be in a blaze of glory and He will be crowned Lord of all.

Cradle ~ cross ~ crown - Let these symbols speak to you as you reflect this Advent on Christ's coming. Let the power of Him who came to us grip you again this Christmas.

Luke 2:12 (MSG) ~ "This is what you're to look for: a baby wrapped in a blanket and lying in a manger."

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