Monday 27 September 2010

MSS - UK Tour (Felixstowe - Peterborough)

On Thursday 16 September, I departed Melbourne with the Melbourne Staff Songsters (MSS) for their UK Tour. An (un)eventful departure to London via Hong Kong saw us arrive at sunny Heathrow some 23 hours later - ready, but not quite refreshed, for our first weekend in Felixstowe.

The group was warmly received and made to feel at home from the moment we arrived. Our billets were fantastic, which made the experience so much more enjoyable. The MSS sang at an Open Air in the mall, attended a Civic Reception hosted by the Mayor and then enjoyed giving an evening concert with a difference! Sundays worship services were a memorable time to connect both with God and the local corps folk.

Moving onto Norwich, we enjoyed sightseeing the town prior to sharing lunch at the local corps. We then gave a mini concert to senior citizens featuring some Australian folk songs, such as "Waltzing Matilda" and "Tie me kangaroo down". Boarding the coach again, we then made our way to Sheringham, where we setup for our evening concert at St Peter's Church. The opportunity to wander around hid delightful seaside town was appreciated, as was the fresh fish and chip dinner provided by one of the local Salvationist fish shop owners. As was our routine, the Saturday night concert was given to a packed audience - though this occasion was made more memorable by the collapsing keyboard and one very persistent pianist!

The next day we journeyed to Peterborough, a place that had literally bathed our visit in prayer! I had the opportunity to meet with the Msyor and local councillors at a reception before the evening's concert, and thoroughly enjoyed staying at the Bright household following. Though too short, our stay was most memorable in every way.

Stayed tuned for the next update...

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