Sunday 14 December 2008

Cappuccino Captain!

While sharing a coffee at Bunnings cafe with my wife and a couple of our chapel leaders after church this morning, I was deep in conversation when suddenly, out of the blue, a kid's shoe came flying over the playground gate and smacked me directly in the middle of the forehead. BANG! A little taken aback, I quickly returned the shoe to the other side via a concerned onlooker.

As I took my seat ~ BANG! ~ a second shoe landed directly in the middle of my cappuccino almost fully immersing me in coffee as I sat, shocked, in my wet navy uniform, complete with stained white shirt and tie. I was angered into silence!

About five minutes later, as I was finishing off a free replacement from the compassionate coffee-maker and awaiting the cleanup to be finalized, from the distance I could see a 5yo boy coming toward my table, accompanied by his purposeful father.

On their arrival the father stated, "My son has something to say to you. Go on!" Then followed a confident yet sincere apology: "Excuse me, man! I'm sorry for spilling your coffee." Despite my annoyance, I was gracious enough to accept his genuine apology and give him an assurance of my forgiveness.

Kind of like a live object lesson on forgiveness...and the practice of patience.
Be assured - tomorrow I'm off to the dry cleaners!

Matthew 6:15 (NIV) ~ "But if you do not forgive men their sins, your Father will not forgive your sins."

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You really aren't a 'froth and bubble' man!