Monday 6 October 2008

Mission Uganda

Tonight's World Mission Fellowship meeting was most interesting and informative. Major Sylvia Gray (R) shared about her recent mission trip to Uganda, where she gave six months voluntary service at "The Bulrushes", a home for orphaned and abandoned babies operated by the Watoto Organization in Kampala. Sylvia's moving presentation reached our hearts and moved us to care through prayer!

'The Bulrushes' care facility was opened in early 2007 to give loving care to abandoned and rejected babies. These tiny premature babies and toddlers have been found on rubbish heaps, in trash cans or abandoned in hospitals and police stations, and were brought to their new home where they now find acceptance and unconditional love. When these babies are old enough to enter a Watoto Children’s Village, they continue their journey to become Uganda’s next generation of leaders.

The Watoto organization has the motto: "Rescue a child - Raise a leader - Rebuild a nation". It is the result of God's calling upon a dedicated Christian couple who are intentional about resourcing change and transforming lives.

Check out their story on their website: and pray for their ongoing ministry. You'll be blessed that you did!

James 1:27 (NIV) ~ "Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world."

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