Sunday 8 June 2008

"You can run, but you can't hide!"

Today we commenced a sermon series entitled Journeying With Jonah, and we had a 'whale of a time' in worship reflecting on the soveriegnty of God's love.

The key idea portrayed in this first message is that we may do all that we can try to run away from what God is asking us to do, only to find that He always catches up with us in the end. God's will is sovereign and His way is always the best.

We, like Jonah, often run from God in pursuit of our own agendas until we realize that God is lovingly pursuing us that we might follow His agenda. Praise God, His love keeps following us!

Perhaps you recall the words of this old Sunday school chorus.

Now listen to my tale of Jonah and the whale
Way down in the middle of the ocean.
How did he get there?
Whatever did he wear?
Way down in the middle of the ocean
Preaching he should be at Nineveh, you see -
He disobeyed - O what a foolish notion!
But God forgave his sin, salvation entered in
Way down in the middle of the ocean.

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