Sunday 29 June 2008

"God is passionate about salvation!"

In our final message in the series Journeying With Jonah, we discover a pitiful, pouting prophet Jonah. Here's a brief overview of his rollercoaster experience.
Chapter 1— Jonah Running From God.
Chapter 2— Jonah Running to God.
Chapter 3— Jonah Running for God.
And finally, here in chapter 4 — Jonah Is Trying to Run God.

Somehow Jonah failed to understand the grace of God. He didn’t want to realize that God operates in ways that supersede our human feelings and logic. Reflecting on the recent Ninevite revival, Jonah failed to tap into the “heart and mind” knowledge that God’s grace is sufficient! Rather than trusting God whole-heartedly and opting to rejoice in the revival and outpouring of gracious salvation that had just taken place, Jonah tried to manipulate God to change his mind and ruin them to destruction. In Jonah’s mind, God’s gracious intervention should have brought about their punishment. And that's when God steps in to remind Jonah that obedient faith is not about our OWN SELF, but HIS SALVATION.

Sadly, the book of Jonah ends very abruptly. There don't seem to be any neat endings with this Biblical book that clearly speaks about the unconditional love and grace of God.

However, let's be sure of this ~ God’s Redeeming Plan is always about passionately offering life-transforming salvation that brings about personal renewal and eternal hope through His most gracious love for mankind.
If God is passionate about salvation, then so, too, should we be.

Wonderful grace, that gives what I don’t deserve,
Pays me what Christ has earned, then lets me go free.
Wonderful grace, that gives me the time to change,
Washes away the stains that once covered me.
And all that I have I lay at the feet
Of the wonderful Saviour who loves me.

Wonderful love, that held in the face of death,
Breathed in its latest breath forgiveness for me.
Wonderful love, whose power can break every chain,
Giving us life again and setting us free.
And all that I have I lay at the feet
Of the wonderful Saviour who loves me.

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