Sunday 11 May 2008

Duo Celebration Day

"Happy Birthday Church!" were the words that echoed around the hall as we commenced worship today to mark the duo celebration of Pentecost and Mother's Day.

Aptly themed 'The Power of Love', our celebration worship service gave good focus to both these special events and featured balloons and Bibles, carnations and chocolates, memorials and ministry, Spirit singing and Scriptures.

One of our godly mothers, Noreen Webster, gave an inspirational message based on John 19:25a ~ "Near the cross of Jesus stood his mother..." ~ that highlighted the power of a mother's love and the need to live in God's power.

At the door folk testified to personal experiences of inner healing, inspiration, refreshment and divine confirmation. All proof that God's Holy Spirit is actively at work.

To top off the day, Dabak and I also shared the day together with the 'world's best mum' ~ mine (biased I know!). A delicious Chinese lunch and relaxing afternoon brought the day's wonderful celebrations to a close.

These following verses (sung to 'How great thou art!') were written by our choir leader, Anita O'Brien, and included in today's Pentecost/Mother's Day service.

Spirit of God, come now in all your fullness
To fill our hearts with love so pure and deep,
Then may we know the beauty of Your presence
Your mercy sweet and grace in time of need.

Heaven rejoiced, the Father's love created
A mother's heart that imitates His care
Creator God, Your perfect love reflected
In the hearts of mothers everywhere.

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