Tuesday 29 April 2008


Today our Bible Discussion Group commenced a new series entitled "Hiding The Truth", based on parables in the Bible. It was a most interesting and informative hour spent in the Word together that fostered lots of helpful discussion points.

A parable:
  • is a word-picture, which uses an image or story to illustrate a truth or lesson
  • defines the unknown by using the known
  • helps the listener to discover the deeper meaning and underlying truth of the reality being portrayed
  • can be a figure of speech or comparison, such as "the kingdom of God...is like a mustard seed" (Luke 13:19)
  • is a short story told to bring out a lesson or moral.
  • is an earthly story with a heavenly meaning (spiritual truth).
But most insightful of all was the fact that parables are not exclusive to the New Testament gospels. Parables are recorded or referenced in the Old Testament (Judges 9, 2 Samuel 12, Psalm 78, Ezekiel, Proverbs and Hosea) and were a common means of communicating ideas long before the recorded use of parables by Jesus during his period of earthly ministry.

Yes, there is truth in the saying, "You learn something new everyday!"

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