Saturday 9 February 2008

Certain Faith

The Lord says, “I will guide you along the best pathway for your life. I will advise and watch over you. ...unfailing love surrounds those who trust the Lord. (Psalm 32:7-10 NLT)

Meditating today on these verses from Psalm 32, I was reminded again that faith in Christ provides us with a certainty of hope that God will prove His faithfulness to us, providing that we are committed to do the trusting.

Here's an assuring thought ~
The Lord of all creation who died on the cross and miraculously rose from the dead loves me beyond comprehension and is more than able to guide and watch over me— even when the circumstances of life seem overwhelming and unbearable. (CRM Lent Devotional, 9 Feb)

Recently, a Christian friends challenged me with her personal testimony of having a certain faith. God is more than why should we pray using words such as 'might', 'perhaps' or 'may'? God longs to work His will in and through us, so our faith in Him needs to reflect the certainty that He can, will and is sure to be all we need Him to be for us and through us.

Why? Because of His unfailing love!

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