Thursday 10 January 2008

Scorched Australians

Greetings from humid Singapore...(no only joking) scorching Melbourne! As Dabak and I ventured out this evening we really felt as though we were strolling the streets "back home" in Singapore.

Well, today has been a 'scorcher' to say the least, and it's days like this when I'm so grateful for my Thursday administration mornings, where I can hibernate inside by the air-con. A morning that somehow conveniently extended itself into the early afternoon. But it wasn't 'time-wasting' effort, for all that I achieved needed my attention...and DHQ will no doubt be pleased it was a 'scorcher'.

I must say, though, I do prefer scorched almonds...

Majors John & Anne Farquharson ~ personnel on short-term international service in Zambia

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