Sunday 28 October 2007

I Can Think Of Him

This morning's worship focussed on the God who constantly thinks of us and longs for us to think on Him. I am so grateful to the Inala Choir for singing Major Joy Webb's song, I Can Think Of Him, reminding us that we can each think of God at all times in our lives, no matter what our experiences or circumstances might be, and know His presence to be an absolute reality and a comforting assurance to us not only for the past, but for all our todays and tomorrows.

Over recent weeks, I’ve had ample time to step aside from the routines of my ministry and really do some deep thinking. To contemplate God without the pressures of daily schedules and to process where I am in my spiritual journey. And you know, I have to be honest and say that it isn’t always an easy thing to do, because contemplation often leads to confrontation. As I meditated on Colossians 3:1-2, I was confronted with my own timely reminder that think on God and be proactive about the way I respond to situations that come my way.

Here's my personal paraphrase of these words that were a timely reminder for me ~ “Think on God. Think godly thoughts and set your mind on God’s agenda instead of your own. Look up to His love and live confidently in His presence.”

Song 517 (verse 2) ~ "Whate'er pursuits my time employ, one thought shall fill my soul with joy: That silent, secret thought shall be that all my hopes are fixed on thee."

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