Thursday 23 August 2007

Cluster Group

When I think of clusters, I picture bigger-than-bite-size chunks of chocolate bursting with nuts and raisins. Hmmm... so when I was informed by the Divisional Commander that I was to join a new cluster group, I was hesitant to say the least. It wasn't my ideal cluster! Nothing to do with the composition of the group by any means, but rather the fact that my previous experiences with clusters resulted in some less than favourable memories.

Praise God that He has the supreme ability to turn our sorrow into joy, our mourning into dancing and our anxieties into calmness. The very real miracle of faith that is beyond all comprehension is the knowledge that God supercedes all our human expectations with the reality of His Divine Presence.

Thanks to members of the Cluster Group, I'm now looking forward with expectation to our frequent gatherings and the opportunities to grow together in His grace. Bless you!

Hebrews 10:25 (NIV) ~ "Let us not give up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but let us encourage one another - and all the more as you see the Day approaching."

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