Sunday 1 July 2007


Today was a celebration of beginnings for a number of significant reasons.

Following a stirring rendition of "Are you washed in the Blood of the Lamb?", we were privileged to welcome Commissioners Wesley and Margaret Harris to the Inala Chapel as the special guest leaders for our worship service in recognition of Founders' Day, as we celebrated the passion and zeal of our Army founders. Basing his message on Isaiah 51:2 ~ "Look to Abraham, your father, and to Sarah, who gave you birth. When I called him he was but one, and I blessed him and made him many" ~ the commissioner spoke about "A tale of two loves" comparing the lives of Abraham and Sarah with William and Catherine Booth. The great challenge echoed loud and long ~ "No matter what age or stage of life we find ourselves, we are all useful to God." Hallelujah!

In addition, we were delighted to welcome to worship Captains Stephen Court and Danielle Strickland, who, together with their son, arrived in Australia on Friday to commence their respective THQ leadership appointments. We pray God's blessing upon them for a smooth transition into Australian life and ministry.

Finally, on a personal note, today marked our 12th wedding anniversary. O happy day!

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