Thursday 14 June 2007

Precious Friends

"There is a scene where spirits blend, and friend holds fellowship with friend..." (Song 573, verse 3)

What a precious scene this is! Even more so to experience it first-hand as we have over recent days. Our holiday travels have taken us westward (?) to South Australia where we spent six beautiful days based in Victor Harbor with colleague friends, Bob and Valis McDonald. It was time truly God-ordained and blessed. They are certainly God's appointed to SA ministry in this relaxed and friendly community.

Next, we renewed fellowship with our sessional friends, Ian & Sue Muirhead (pictured below). They are precious God-influential folk who live right in the centre of God's will. Praise God for their deep and wide faith that is continuing to reach out to others with the love of our boundless and amazing God.
Then, we met up with Frank Reynolds, a retired officer friend living in suburban Adelaide. A special visit to our favourite winery for a small 'non-alcoholic' purchase followed by a fellowship meal and coffee was our communion of friends that day. So refreshing!

That brings us to tonight, stopping off here in Victoria's west, Warrnambool, enroute back home. We've had a further great opportunity to catch up with another sessional mate, Gordon Main. With his wife, Dianne (who was away at women's camp!), they shepherd the Army's worship and social community in seeking others to "believe, belong and become" God's inspiring people.

I love the way that Michael W Smith expressed the joy and value of Christian friendship and fellowship when he wrote these words:

...friends are friends forever if the Lord's the Lord of them
And a friend will not say never 'cause the welcome will not end

"...spirits blend and friend holds fellowship with friend..."
Eternal friendship and precious fellowship...bring it on, Lord!

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