Wednesday 7 February 2007

Confidence Counts

Confidence has many meanings. We can be confident in our own abilities and talents; confident that something will happen; confident about certain facts (including salvation); confident in God's promises.
Likewise, confidence can be lead people down two different paths to:
1. An outer, arrogant self-confidence, resulting in pride and boasting, or
2. An inner, humble assurance, resulting in a healthy self-esteem and a sure conviction of where we are going.
Over recent days of uncertainty, we've been constantly reminded that our ultimate confidence comes from trusting that God's word is true. That we can know all the future blessings that await us in heaven, while simultaneously boldly claiming God's ability to help us endure any trials that we face here on earth.
To sum it up ~ Don't trust yourself more than your limited sufficiency. Don't trust God less than his all-sufficiency.
Yes, God-confidence counts both for our present realities and in our facing of the unknown future!

Hebrews 11:1 (NLT) ~ "What is faith? It is the confident assurance that what we hope for is going to happen."

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